"Do you have anything Herodotus" Kassandra asked, looking to the scroll,

"The name. Melaina the red rat",

"What about her" Eos asked,

"I heard of a girl, a woman almost, who lived in the gutter at Lokris" Herodotus said, "Hair as red as fire, the stink of sickness in her bones but, no lust for death",

"That sounds like Malaina" Eos said, she sighed,

"Why rat" Kassandra asked,

"It's the name everyone else gave her" Eos shrugged, she'd always hated it. She'd never looked like a rat before - when they were young; she was so full, so beautiful and then, the 'eye' had taken her under her wing, made her in to a squirmy little thing that could get in to the smallest of places. "She has this way of being everywhere and nowhere" Eos said, "Of finding people who don't wish to be found". Eos sometimes wondered if Melaina knew she was alive, sitting somewhere back there in the shadows.

Eos wondered if she could even give Laelaps the slip.

The creature snarled a third time, almost in response. Eos looked to Kassandra,

"She's very unstable. Very touchy. Very..." difficult, complicated, maybe a little insane?

Who was she kidding. They all were.

"So, what you're saying is now I have yet another person to watch behind my back for" Kassandra said,

"Kass, they know where you are" Eos shrugged, "No point sending out one of their precious babies to hunt you down".


"Anyway, thank you Herodotus. Depending on what happens with Kallinos, I might just have to wait until she finds me".

Out of them all, Kallinos would be the most black and white. He would either come with her, or he wouldn't. She would try and convince him, she had to but, she'd know within a few moments whether it had fell on death ears.

And what that brought with it was something she told herself she'd decide on there and then.

"Eos, I wish you all the luck in the world" Kassandra said, "I hope we meet again", Eos nodded.

Kassandra had gone to leave but, not before Eos asked her one last question. Eos knew the mystios had heard of her but, had she met the woman who had done this to them.

"Did you ever meet Chrysis" Eos asked, Kassandra turned back to her, she nodded, "Did you kill her" Kassandra shook her head – she'd chosen to save that baby instead, "She's still in Argolis then" Eos said. She looked back to the fish barrels,

"I'll make her pay for what she did. To you. To Alexios. To your family" Kassandra promised,

"Would you meet me in Argolis Kassandra" Eos asked, "Once you're done taming the seas near Thera".

Kassandra thought about it a moment. Despite the things she hoped to do once she'd discovered the name of her real father, Kassandra still had errands in Argolis and Chrysis, killing her would bring her one step closer to the blood worshippers sage.

And, it would mean they wouldn't have to rough the open sea between Thera and Lakonia. Even if it did mean doubling back on themselves.

"Where would I meet you" Kassandra asked,

"I'll leave a message for you at the docks in the 'kingdom of Hope'" she almost laughed, "If I live to tell the tales of Kallinos the beauty" Eos said, "Depending on what it says, find me in the closest tavern". Kassandra wasn't sure how that would work but, she agreed to it none-the-less.

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