"I am Maximillion Pegasus!" He spread out his arms as he spoke, "It is my great honor and pleasure to welcome you all to the Duelist Kingdom." Pegasus then lowered his arms, placing his hands on his hips, "You stand before me, the world's greatest duelists!"

I shifted my gaze over to Weevil Underwood and then to Yugi before I looked back up at Pegasus, "But come tournament's end, only one shall be crowned King of Games. I implore you all to assemble your decks with care, with creativity, and with cunning, for this competition will test your skills like never before." I could see that many of the duelists were eying their decks and cards, most likely thinking of all the hard work they had put into making their decks and I looked down at my Zombie-Type Deck and smirked.

"To track your progress in the tournament," I looked back up at Pegasus, catching his eye as he looked down at me with what appeared to be familiarity, "You've each been given a dueling glove." He held up the dueling glove in one hand and in the other, star chips, "You've also been given two precious star chips."

I eyed the dueling glove, my two star chips flashing as the sunlight caught them in its light, "You must wager these star chips on each duel you compete in to advance to the final level of competition."

I could see Yugi slipping on his duel glove, what seemed to be determination as well as something else in his eyes and I spotted the lonely star chip. "For a chance at the 3 million dollar prize." I turned my attention back up at Pegasus, catching my sister's eye. "You must win 10 star chips." I could see Mai's smirk and I'm sure I was smirking as well, one of us will get there or both of us.

"These 10 star chips will admit your entrance into my castle, where you will face me in one final duel." I crossed my arms over my chest, with Chochuro hiding himself away in my backpack and I rolled my eyes. That little stowaway.

"This tournament will be unlike anything you have ever experienced, state-of-the-art dueling arenas cover this entire island, and intriguing new dueling rules will be in effect." I rose an eyebrow at this, there will be new dueling rules? My eyes then widened slightly in realization as I remembered that various areas of this island will give a field boost to monsters based on where they duel.

"Remember," I looked back up at Pegasus, a smirk back on my face as I noticed the looks the other duelists were giving each other, probably in confusion, "Think strategically and duel mercilessly. You have one full hour to prepare, both your cards and yourselves. When the skies light with fireworks, the duels will begin!"

As I heard the cheers from the other duelists, I quietly slipped away as I pondered over where I should set-up for my duels. I will probably rely on my Zombie-Type monsters or my Dragon-Type monsters, I just need to find the fields that would best suit them and wait for someone to crawl into my trap.


I sat quietly on a boulder, looking around for any other duelists and from what I could see, I was alone. It had been around half-an-hour since the fireworks went off and most likely many duels were under way and I should just be patient.

"Hey, you!" I turned my head, seeing a guy standing there with his hands on his hips and a cocky smirk on his face, "Let's duel!"

I smirked faintly before it quickly faded, "As you wish." I agreed and stood up as I pulled out my Zombie deck, with Chochuro staying with my bag on the boulder.

I watched as the large arena appeared out of the ground and once it was set-up, me and the guy put our decks into the machine.

"I hope you're ready to lose, doll." The guy said and I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Oh please, don't make me laugh." I tutted in a scolding way, waving my finger at him, "Arrogance and cockiness will get you nowhere, dude.." I murmured, but do to my quietness, the guy smirked and put a hand to his ear and leaned in my direction.

A Change of HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora