Chapter 2

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A/N: I'll be using some cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's World Championship 2011 game for use of duels, unless they are canon duels that Rin will be involved in. This also includes the use of some Synchro monsters for non-canon duels that Rin participates in, since Fusion summoning is already a thing.

I woke up to my sister gently shaking me awake, "Rin, its time to get up. We're almost to the island." She informed me and I silently nodded, sitting up only to grin as I saw a little fuzzy face poking out of my bag. It was my little ferret, Chochuro.

I carefully picked up my ferret, letting him run up my arm and curl up on my shoulders, licking my cheek affectionately. "Its good to see you too, buddy." I said with a soft giggle as I scratched under his chin, which he nibbled with his sharp teeth.

"You brought the rat with you?" Mai asked me, giving me a disapproving stare as she eyed my ferret, one of my pets.

I rose an eyebrow, "He isn't a rat, he's a ferret." I said matter-of-factly, making her roll her eyes.

I puffed out my cheeks in annoyance before raking my fingers through my hair, "Will we be splitting up?" I asked her, tilting my head, Chochuro doing the same thing as we both stared at Mai.

"Well," Mai started, shuffling her deck with a small smirk, "I say we should divide and conquer."

"Right." I nodded my head, scratching Chochuro under his chin again, "I'll meet up with you later then?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yep, don't get kicked out of the competition."

With that, I watched as Mai strode out of the room and I released a soft sigh before following her out as I eyed my three prized possessions, my Red-Eye Zombie Dragon, Black-Rose Dragon, and my Cyber End Dragon and I couldn't help but smirk. 

This will be fun.


I followed the other duelists off of the ship and once stepping off of the large vessel, I spotted Yugi and Joey, plus a brown-haired guy and brown-haired girl and I rolled my eyes. I noticed the other duelists were facing toward one of the suit guys and I pursed my lips. I never like people in suits, they're too bloody arrogant.

"Welcome, all duelists." One of the suit guys said, his hair spiked up to make him look like some sort of unicorn, "Please, follow the stairs to meet your host." The guy said, gesturing to the stairs leading up to a castle.

I rose an eyebrow, "Whatever you say, unicorn-haired guy." I said quietly under my breath before I began to follow the other duelists up the stairs. As I walked, I caught a flash of white and stopped for a moment, thinking that I saw that Bakura guy from the boat, but upon looking back after moving out of the way of a few other duelists, he was gone.

"That looked like... Bakura." I turned my attention to the brown-haired girl that was speaking with Yugi earlier.

Yugi blinked, "Bakura? From school?"

"Again with this Bakura stuff, Tea?" Asked the taller guy, who stuffed his hands into his trench coat, "Where is he then?"

Tea didn't reply, but then they began to move up to the castle and I silently followed them, stuffing my hands into my jacket pockets.

Upon reaching the castle, I heard the various other duelists talking about those who were in the regional championship, like Weevil and Rex and a guy named Mako. I looked around at the competition before looking up on the balcony, seeing a tall guy with long, silver-white hair with one eye covered. He was also in an expensive looking, ironed to perfect, suit.

My eye twitched and I heard Chochuro let out a hissy-growl as we looked up at the guy, "Greetings, Duelists!" The man's voice boomed and I fought the urge to shudder at the eerie feeling I got from the man.

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