Dorm For Two (REMAKE)

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Ann and Destiny had parted from the others, heading to their new room. Once they were there, they were in aww. It was like a room for a princess. One side was pink in different shades and the other was a yellow and green. Their bags were already there.

"I hope you like it." A voice was heard, behind them was none other then good, old Cinderella. She had on a signature blue dress and her hair was up in a bun. The two Tremaine girls backed up a bit. "How rude of me, I'm--"

"We know who you are." Ann interrupted.

"Oh, of course! My step-mother must have told you about me." Destiny turned around and walked to inspect the room.

"Yup, and my mother, Ann's mother--"

"...but we like to judge for ourselves, right Destiny?" Ann adds, giving her cousin a look to calm down.

"Well, that's good. I hope you two are comfortable enough here. If you need anything, anything at all, just call me." Cinderella said sweetly. Ann gave a nod, while Destiny didn't even turn to look at her. "Goodbye, my doves."

With that, she left. Ann walked over to Destiny in anger. "Destiny, please, try to be a bit nicer. If this plan is going to work, we have to play the part of good girls."

"Fine, whatever." Destiny muttered. "Let's go see the others."


Destiny opened the door to find Carlos playing a video game on the giant television screen and Jay was on his bed, unpacking the things he had stolen within twenty-four hours. Behind the Tremaine girls arrived Mal and Evie.

"Jay, what are you doing?" Mal asked. Ann made herself comfortable on the bed.

"Its called stealing. It's like buying whatever you want except..." Jay pulled out a laptop. "It's free." Destiny rolled her eyes as Ann scanned the items to see two diamond encrusted bracelets, one pink and the other green. Ann grabbed them.

 Ann grabbed them

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"Can I have them, Jay?" Ann asked

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"Can I have them, Jay?" Ann asked.

"Yeah." Jay said, not looking up from other stolen things.

Mal tossed the item she picked up. "Okay, so you could do that, or you can leave this here and pick it up when we take over the world."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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