Very important notice

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I might be making a new profile and starting fresh.

I have many reasons but I don't feel like telling them all. I might leave from posting to wattpad mostly because I don't gain much from posting here, sure I might post art dumps occasionally but I'm not getting much from being here other than talking with people and really positive feedback on my stuff.

I have a lot of reasons behind my possible decision, and THIS ISN'T FINAL YET. IT'S STILL BEINH DECIDED ON.

If I make a new account, I'll probably only be telling a few people, because I don't necessarily want everyone from here just following me to the next one. I will however list my other social medias so you can go and follow me there.

I just need something fresh. I'm too caught up in the old past me and its starting to drag me down and make me feel bad.

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