.:New character sketch:.

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Could anyone suggest names for this new guy I'm making? ;3;

I really cant think of any names, consider the information i have for him first ;w;

Info :
-He's a writer
-He's male (duh)
-He's a naga (half snake half human), one that lives in a sort of community like humans do (like village type though, and not modern, before the lightbulb.)
-He's very interested by moths and collects them in large glass jars, watching their life cycles and studying them.
-He's pretty relaxed and calm, getting more excited when around things he likes, moths, books, something he can write on, stuff like that.
-He'll get pretty grim if you talk badly of his moths too much or talk behind his back.
-He owns a large home, taken care of by himself and two servants (of what race is undecided, possibly one human? Maybe nagas too?)
-He needs glasses REALLY badly, he can only see short distances without them.

His colour scheme :
-Darker skin tone
-Deeply cool coloured hair (maybe navy blue or dark purple)
-Very dark grey tail with darker patterns on it. (Boa like patterns)
-His eyes are a vivid purple.
-His flesh (not skin) will be some shade of unnatural colour, maybe kind of an indigo/violet.
-His glasses have holden rims and are very very slightly yellow tinted
-His clothes are : waist coat = red/maroon, shirt = white, bow tie = some shade of pink/pale red/brighter red

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