"I woke up this morning to find my friend missing and my other friends, well band members won't tell me where he is, I was hoping you can help me with that" Bonnie looked concerned "Who are you looking for?"

"Corbyn Besson"

Bonnie got up and looked at him "Daniel, Corbyn isn't missing, he's with Matt at the Mystic Grill"

"Wait what!!!" he said getting up. "You..." Bonnie began but before she knew it he had sped off. 

*Mystic Grill*

"Oh shit" Matt looked towards Daniel making his way towards the pool table. Corbyn turned around to see Daniel's fists clenched "Fuck" he said under his breathe. "What the hell do you think you're doing" Corbyn sighed "I can explain"

"Relax man" Matt looked at him making an input "We're just playing pool, no harm done" 

"Shut it Matt" Daniel looked at Corbyn once more and motioned for him to follow him to the other side while Matt fooled around with some balls on the table. "Why the hell are you here?"

"I needed some time away from L.A." 

"So you choose Mystic Falls of all places?" he questioned him "Corb it's dangerous and you know that"

"Is it? Cause as far as I can see all I'm doing is playing pool and not a werewolf, vampire, hybrid or witch is in sight, I'm just playing my part as a human" he looked towards Matt. "I'm concerned about your safety is all" Corbyn rested a hand on his shoulder "I'm just playing some pool, Klaus is nowhere around neither is Damon, Matt told me he's with Stefan and he's dealing with Elena problems, whatever that's about" he said shrugging taking his hands down. "You could join us" He shook his head "I'm fine, I need you to come back to L.A. I have a problem"

"How bad is it? Did Zach clog the toilet again?" This made Daniel chuckle a bit "No bro, I just had a nightmare this morning, it has something to do with Kaylen, she was saying 'choose' and there were other voices in my head telling me to choose but I don't understand, choose what?" Corbyn eyed him closely "That's what you need to figure out" he could tell this was something serious and needed to be dealt with. "HEY MATT!!!" his blue eyes stopped poking his stick and looked at Corbyn "I'll see you around, I gotta go" Matt looked dumbfounded "Later man" The pair had disappeared.

*The football field*

"This dream" Corbyn twirled around a lacrosse stick in his hand "You said she said Mystic Falls or L.A. right?" Daniel nodded holding the birdie. "But why her though, why Mystic Falls or LA. I don't get it" Corbyn ran his hands through his hair walking along the green grass that was fake and made up of foam. "The reality is that you have a connection with the supernatural world and the human race, if that makes sense" Daniel looked at him "You see Mystic Falls is crawling with supernaturals, if you go there then you learn more about us, know more, even do something good with your powers, on the other hand, L.A. you can grow a career" he gulped "our career. You get to live an actual life as a human" Daniel took this in for a while "But we're not human and the hardest part of it all is hiding it from the people that we care about"

"There's your answer" Corbyn told him. He looked confused "The dream dude... your choice is either you live like a human or you live the life of a hybrid" Corbyn put the stick down "Allow me to elaborate" he walked towards Daniel "What are you doing?" 

"Matt showed me this ability where I can get into your head, so I can show you images I want you to see even if it relates to your future, I can show you what it looks like, so what do you want to see first: Your life as a hybrid or human?" Daniel rolled his eyes "Just do it"

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