Long, Long Ago...

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...you got pranked! You thought I was going to start Joelle and Haris's story, didn't you?

Well, not yet. I have a few things to establish first, especially to those of you who don't know much about Star Wars, which this story will be occasionally referencing from.

If you don't know me in real life, which I doubt, because why else would you be reading this particular Star Wars fanfic? Anyways, if you're new, have fun, enjoy, the story remains coherent to people who have no idea who they are in real life. 

If you know me in real life and somehow stumbled upon this, please take note:

1. Do not send this to people that you think might get offended by this aka teachers and other students. Whatever happens in this story, stays in this story.

2. If by sheer coincidence you are clearly the base of one of the characters and you are offended, WhatsApp me and we can talk things out. No need to hate :)

OMG studying the entire Jedi system is feels like studying French and Chemistry at the same time! I want to cry so badly right now.

Just kidding.

Glossary first (WAJIB BACA):

i. The Jedi
They are the main protagonists of the Star Wars franchise. Their side is called the light side. They also utilise a unique power called the Force, which they use to mentally persuade the weak-minded and move objects. They are trained from as young as eight years old (called younglings). They are identified because of the number of midi-chlorians (special cells) in their body. Basically, the more midi-chlorians you have in your body, the better you can utilise the Force.

ii. The Sith
Almost the same as the Jedi, except that their side is called the dark side and they use the Force for cooler purposes like choking people to death. Another difference is that the Sith embrace emotions while Jedi are discouraged from harboring feelings like anger and attachment because this will lead to the dark side.

(Inhales) Okay, here goes [the bold sentences are for those who don't really know Star Wars (cough, Neigha)]:

1. Star Paws: The Meow Awakens takes place before 19BBY, when the Galactic Republic had not yet been formed into the Galactic Empire by Emperor Palpatine. (Basically, Anakin Skywalker wasn't Darth Vader [villain] yet and the Great Jedi Purge had not happened [mass killing of Jedi].)

  I know you'll have plenty of questions now so shoot them at me. I'll still be watching the Star Wars prequels (that's why the story is set in 19BBY, so I only have to watch 3 movies) and will not yet start writing, so it would be better to clarify ASAP!

- Scarlet

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