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What is your name? - I remembered how you shyly asked my name for the first time

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What is your name? - I remembered how you shyly asked my name for the first time. I showed my genuine smile and softly greeted you back.

Park Sohye

You said my name was pretty and you loved my hair. You said that you wanted to be friends and at last our hands touched. We were hand shaking.

Lee Felix

How amused I am to find a guy with the name Felix around here. I asked if you were a foreigner. You just nodded and I chuckled.

I miss them.

I miss you.

When can I be like that again?

Do you even have a place to go? - We met again for the second time in the garden. I was crying because of chaos at home. I wished I have a happier family. But that wish is until now never came true.

That was the first time you saw me depressed. And that's when you knew you wanted to comfort me every time you see me stressed.

How do I know that?

Because Felix, you are the most caring person in this world. You gave me hugs, chocolates, and crispy jokes.

Oh could you tell me? - Tell me everything about you. After you comforted me that night, we laid on the grass, under the stars. You said couples do this but I just smiled because I agree.

My heart beats fast only for you.

Could it be that I love you?

We talked and started to know more about each other. But whatever happened now? Do you even know me? Do you even remembered my name?

Do you even miss me?

I see you hiding in this garden - I was shocked. Just today, I was crying about you in the garden. I heard a bush shake. When I looked, I don't know if it was just my imagination. But I hope it isn't. Because,

I saw your eyes.

And I know that's yours because I still remembered how much I used to love looking at them.

The Truth Untold- Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now