"Ouch! Ouch! Fucking let go of me!"

"You fucking stop drooling over what's mine!"

"Okay, okay, I'll stop thinking about your precious little princess." Louis huffs.

And Zayn releases Louis' hair.

Both of them sit up on the bed instead and glare at each other.

"Want a fight?" Zayn raises an eyebrow, challengingly.

"Yeah, let's fight, motherfucker!" Louis spits.


"Damn it, bruised nose suits you!" Louis remarks with a smirk after their fight.

"You look good with a black eye." Zayn fires back, snorting.

They stare at each other for a few seconds before both burst into a laughter.

"Damn, we're really good at fighting, huh?" Louis cackles.

"Seems like that." Zayn shrugs and chuckles too.

"Want to drink some beer and play FIFA, mate?" Louis asks.

"Sure, mate, why not?"


Health class.

Harry doesn't know why they have Health class in the first period. The Health teacher's voice is calm and deep, it makes Harry fall asleep easily without even trying.

It's not like Harry wants to be a bad student and sleep in the class, but he has to, you know, get as much sleep as he can before Maths class. His Maths teacher, Mr. Mooney, is extremely strict and if he ever finds out anyone not concentrating in his class, they get detention. On the other hand, his Health teacher, Mr.Jefferson, is very gracious towards them. As long as he doesn't get interrupted while he is teaching, they can do anything they want. Harry doesn't want to get a detention and have his master think he is a bad boy, because he is not. He's a good boy, unlike Niall who gets detention every Monday, aka today, after the Maths class.

Harry does feel bad as he can't help but fall asleep in Health class most of the times. And, that's why, each year on Teachers' Day, Harry gives two more homemade cupcakes to Mr.Jefferson than he gives to others teachers as an apology.

"Harry? Harry?"

Someone is shaking Harry's shoulder, distracting him from his little nap.

"You fell asleep in Mr. Jefferson's class again. Why?" Niall giggles as Harry wakes up and looks around to find everyone gone except for Niall, Liam and himself—the class must have be over for a little while now.

"You know why NiNi, we have Maths next." Harry rubs his eyes and picks up his stuff before getting up from his seat.

Niall groans, "Must we have Maths class? Why does Maths even exist in the same world as me? That's unfair!"

"Don't be silly, Niall." Liam laughs  and ruffles Niall's hair fondly. "Let's head to Maths class before Mr.Mooney has our asses for being late."

Harry giggles and follows behind Liam who holds a whining Niall's hand as they walk out of the Health class.

In the hallway, Harry sees his master talking with his friends, and when Zayn notices him, harry stops his pace. Harry smiles brightly at Zayn and waits for his master to come over to him, but Zayn looks away instead and leans in to kiss Perrie.

Harry's smiling face turns sad and he looks down at his feet. Usually, his master comes to him whenever he sees him at school. His master has been acting weird since yesterday. He is being distant, Harry feels it. But Harry couldn't figure out why.

Did he do something wrong and his master is mad at him?

Is Harry being a bad boy?

"Harry? Harry, why are you standing there? Hurry up, we can't be late for Mr. Mooney's class!" Liam calls when he notices that Harry hasn't caught up to them.

"Oh, sorry." Harry says and turns to look at Zayn's direction and sees Zayn glance at him and then look away again.

Harry frowns and then goes to the Maths class with his friends.

It's lunch time. Students are rushing towards their usual spot with their friends. Same as our young Harry. He walks to where his master is sitting with his friends.

Niall perks up when he sees Harry and stops eating to say, "Haz! You're here! Come and sit."

He pats the seat between him and Zayn—that's the seat Harry usually sits in when they have lunch.

Harry grins and skips towards his friends and his master. He greets them sweetly just like he always does.

As he sits down, he expects his master to hug him, kiss him and greet him like he usually does. But Zayn just gives him a tight lipped smile and a little nod before he turns away and continues talking with his friends.

Harry frowns and mentally sighs. He doesn't like it when he doesn't have his master's attention. But he doesn't reckon he has done anything that could make his master mad. His master called him a good boy after he helped Harry with his 'willy problem' and told him to take a good nap. And all of a sudden, he started acting weird after Harry woke up from his nap, Harry can sense it.

Did he do something wrong in his sleep yesterday? Harry wonders.

He takes out his lunch. Good thing that today Louis didn't ask Harry to call him weird names, like 'daddy' again.

He listens to Niall who's telling him something funny he found on Twitter. Even though Harry doesn't understand half of the things Niall is telling him, he still laughs with him. That's what good friends do.

Harry takes a sip of his drink and glances at everyone around the table—Zayn, Louis, Liam,Stan and Josh are talking about their upcoming football match while Perrie is busy on her phone. Taking a big bite of his hamburger, Niall is moaning, saying how good it is.

He looks at Zayn and then looks down at his own food that he's barely touched. He bites his lips and slowly grabs Zayn's hand under the table. He feels Zayn stiffening beside him. Zayn then relaxes and intertwines his hand with Harry's while still continuing the conversation with his friends.

Harry smiles and starts eating his lunch. His heart warm with happiness, now that he is sure his master is not mad at him.

And if Niall thinks that he is telling a good joke because Harry is actually giggling this time with a bright smile on his cute chubby face, well don't tell our little Irish Leprechaun the truth behind the beautiful smile on his best friend's face.


Hope you have a good day 💛💚

Barbie (Zarry)Where stories live. Discover now