Chapter 6

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3 years later (Zayn: 10 years old, Harry: 8 years old)

Harry and Meave are walking Rhino—the dog they got three years back—in the park.

"We're gonna name him Rhino!" 7 year old Zayn announces. They've just got a puppy from the pet shop.

"Why, Master?" Little Harry tilts his head as he asks, "Isn't rhino a kind of animal?"

"Well, yes. But Rhino is the coolest animal in the world, so we're gonna call him Rhino!" Zayn squats and pats the puppy's head.

"Oh!" Harry's mouth opens and he's round-eyed, like he just learned something new.

He knows Rhinos are really big and have horns on their heads, but if his Master says it's the coolest animal in the world, then he believes it.

Usually, Zayn would come along with Harry and Meave to walk Rhino. But today Zayn told Harry that he has a 'date' with Perrie, a girl from their school—that's all Harry knows about her.

Harry stops walking when he sees his Master and Perrie under the tree beside the swing. He frowns when they lean close to each other and connect their lips.

A kiss.

He stares blankly at them. He knows it's a kiss, he has seen it on TV.

"Harry!" Meave calls, she's not far and Rhino is beside her. Harry shifts his gaze to her as she rambles, "What are you doing? Come on, little boy, Rhino is hungry. Let's go home and give him some food. I'll make you your favorite cupcakes too."

Harry nods slightly and walks up to her.

She's still rambling something about food and chores as they walk back home. But Harry doesn't pay much attention to her as Rhino is playing with him, licking his fingers and running around him yapping happily.


Harry is humming a song as he walks around the house with his favorite cupcake in his hand.

He stops when he sees Daniel and a guy in the hallway, their lips pressed against each other.

"Are you kissing?" Harry asked curiously with big round eyes.

The two men jump and pull away from the kiss. They look over at the little boy who is standing about five feet away from them with curious expression on his face, just like a little kitten.

"Shit." Daniel curses. He didn't mean to snog Elvis in the house, it just kinda happened.

"Are you kissing?" Harry asks again when they don't answer him.

"Y-Yes." Daniel coughs slightly. "We kissed."


"What? Umm, because we're boyfriend?" Daniel hesitates and then nods his head confirmedly. "Yes, because we're boyfriend and we love each other."

"You kissed because you love each other?" Harry tilts his little head to the side.

"Well, yes." Daniel replies sheepishly and scratches his head.

"Oh." Harry's mouth forms an '0' and he nods his head like he has finally understood something.

Daniel chuckles at his cuteness, "So where's Zayn?"

"Master went on a date." Harry says and takes a bite of his cupcake.

"A date?" Daniel raises an eyebrow and then cackles and shakes his head in amusement as he murmurs, "That kid."

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