Chapter 3

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"Barbie, do you want to go higher?" Zayn asks from behind the swing.

"Yes!" Harry giggles.

Grinning, Zayn pushes the swing, making it go higher.

Harry cackles as he feels himself getting higher and higher. He feels like he is flying in the sky.

Today is Saturday, Zayn doesn't have school. His friends from school had asked him over to play with them but he'd rather stay at home and play with his Barbie.

Harry is really happy to have Zayn all to himself for the whole day. He has been excited since last night after he came to know that, in the weekends, Zayn doesn't have to go to school and leave Harry alone at home. Well, not actually alone, he helps Meave at the kitchen and Meave teaches him how to make cupcakes. But he misses his master, he misses Zayn.

He couldn't wipe the smile off his face ever since he woke up this morning.

"Let's play inside, yeah?" Zayn suggested standing in front of Harry as it was almost sunset.

Wow, they didn't realize they had been playing all day in the garden until now. Time goes by so fast when they had each other's company.

"Okay." Harry replies in his baby voice and stops the swing.

But as clumsy as he is, when he gets up from the swing, he stumbles forward and falls on top of Zayn. Zayn tries to catch him but they end up falling down, Harry on Zayn's chest and Zayn on the ground. They let out little "whoops" and groans.

"Are you okay, Barbie?"

"Are you all right, master?"

They both burst out in concern at the same time.

Harry blushed. Zayn chuckles, "I'm alright, Barbie. What about you?"

"Harry's okay." Harry replies timidly with a red face. "Sorry, it's all Harry's fault."

"Hey, it's not your fault, Barbie. It was just an accident." Zayn places a reassuring kiss on Harry's forehead. "Let's go inside, yeah?"

Harry nods and hurriedly gets up. He then holds out his hand to help Zayn to get up. Zayn smiles and takes his hand.

Zayn doesn't let go of Harry's hand, not even to dust off their clothes. They hold hands as they walk into the house.

"Let's play role playing games. I'm prince Z and you're princess H. I'm gonna save you from the evil dragon." Zayn explains as he holds up a toy dragon. They are in Zayn's room, sitting on the floor in front of the scattered toys.

Harry nods his head obediently, picking up the princess doll.

Zayn picks up the prince doll and makes the doll pull out its tiny sword, "Hold on, princess H, your Prince Charming will save you from this evil dragon!"

He then picks up the toy dragon and starts fighting it with the prince doll.

"Ouch, my arm! The evil dragon bit my arm!" Zayn screams and makes the prince doll pounce the dragon toy pinning it to the floor. Then the prince doll is pointing a sword at the dragon, "But for the love of my beautiful princess H, I'll not give up! I'll kill you, stupid dragon!"

Harry giggles at Zayn's imitation.

"Why are you laughing, princess H?" Zayn asks curiously.

"You're so silly, prince Z." Harry replies with a giggle.

"You can't call me silly, princess H. I just saved you from the evil dragon!" Zayn wiggled his eyebrows dramatically.

Barbie (Zarry)Where stories live. Discover now