Chapter 2

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Zayn feels warmth radiating from something he's holding on to. At first he thought it's his teddy bear, but as he rubs his eyes and slowly opens them, he finds a boy in his arms. He grins when he realizes that it's Harry who is sleeping peacefully in his arms. He can't help but lean down to peck Harry's cute face; he looks like a little angel.

"Wake up, Barbie." Zayn whispers and shakes Harry's shoulder lightly.

Harry whines, waking up from his slumber, and slowly opens his eyes.

At first his pupils dilate with fear but then he quickly calms down when he sees that Zayn who's looking down at him.

"M-Master?" Harry murmurs.

"Good morning, Barbie." Zayn grins. "Let's go freshen up and have breakfast. I have to go to school today, you can't go with me. So, you have to stay at home, yeah?"

Harry frowns as tears start forming in his eyes. He doesn't know anyone here, he only feels safe when Zayn is with him.

"B-But I don't want to leave you." He whimpered in an almost inaudible voice.

Zayn furrowed his eyebrows; he doesn't like seeing his Barbie cry.

"Shh, Barbie, don't cry." Zayn gently wipes Harry's tears from his cheeks. "I'll be home before you know it. You're a good boy, right? You are staying home and waiting for me, yeah?"

"O-Okay, 'arry is a good boy. Harry will stay and wait for master to come back." Harry's voice trembles a little as his little hands cling on Zayn's clothes without his own realization.

Zayn smiles and pecks Harry on his forehead. "Good. Let's freshen up and go to have breakfast."

Harry returns the smile, showing his dimples and nods obediently like the good boy he is. He loves making people smile. And, it makes him feel extremely good to know that it was he who made his master smile.

Zayn gets out of the bed and reaches out his hand to Harry. Harry gladly takes it and then the little boys walk to the bathroom.

After they brush their teeth and freshen up, they head towards the kitchen.

"Oh, my baby finally woke up in time, huh?" Trisha teases Zayn when she sees Zayn and Harry walking into the dining room hand in hand. Usually, Zayn needs someone to wake him up in the school days, so it's understandable that Trisha was surprised to see her son up this early.

"Good morning to you too, mom and dad." Zayn does the perfect imitation of adults' way of sarcastically speaking and helps Harry to sit on the chair beside him.

Trisha facepalms. "I should have known this would happen if we let Zayn spend too much time with Daniel."

"Told you so." Yaser chips in, putting down the newspaper he just finished reading and takes a sip of his tea.

Daniel is Trisha's cousin who is currently studying in a college near their house and sometimes pays them a visit. Zayn likes him a lot 'cause he is a cool guy. Trisha knows that her cousin is not bad; he actually is a nice person, except he likes getting high sometimes. Well, that's what college students like to do at parties these days. So yeah, all in all, he's a good person.

Trisha just prays to god that he won't smoke marijuana when he's hanging out with Zayn.

"Who's this cute little guest?" Meave, their chef, a 40 year old woman, gasps when she brings the breakfast to the dining room.

Barbie (Zarry)Where stories live. Discover now