Chapter 11 ~ Grid Games

Start from the beginning

"Nah, it's your first time on the Grid. I can scale back the difficulty of the AIs too, ya' know. But if it'd make you feel better to do teamplay to start, okay. The best team games are either Disc Wars or Light Cycles. If you really wanna start simple, then I guess Disc Wars is a good place to start. Whattya' say? Two-on-two Disc Wars, then?"

Mia nodded. She was in no position to argue. He knew these games better than she did. Flynn returned to the main console to start the game, loading up the enemy AIs and setting the parameters for the match.

"Some things I should warn you about – sometimes the arena will change shape and even rotate, forcing you to hurry your way to the ceiling. You can either dodge disc shots or block 'em with your own discs. Make use of the obstacles that come up. Get on top of them or hide behind 'em. Oh, and discs can ricochet; another good thing to keep in mind. That all make sense?"

"Doesn't sound like a game for the athletically challenged. And to think I could barely handle dodgeball in gym class," said Mia with a sigh. "Well, all right. I'll give it a go, I guess."

"Hey, trust me, I'm not the most athletically gifted guy in the world, but I manage okay. Plus, it really gets your blood pumping, man. Adrenaline is a wonderful thing."

Once Flynn finished setting up the game parameters, the computerized voice returned.

"Welcome to... Disc Wars. Users, to your starting positions." Two squares on the grid lit up, awaiting them.

"I'll watch your back. Don't worry." Flynn took the disc off his back, activating it for game mode. The rim lit up and gave off a buzzing hum. Mia stood in the square beside him, following suit. The playing field rose up, forming a glass box around them.

"Trapped like rats," muttered Mia. "Really inspires confidence."

A second later, their opponents appeared in front of them – two programs, each sporting red circuits on their gear. Mia gulped nervously.

"Do they have to look so intimidating?"

Helmets with visors materialized over the heads of all four players and the countdown began.

Three... two... one...

A disembodied voice above them announced, "GAME... START!"

Panicking, Mia threw her disc right off the bat. "YAAAH!!!"

The disc buzzed through the air towards their opponents, who both leapt out of the way, avoiding a hit. The disc repelled off the wall with a sound like a digitized bullet ricochet and sailed back towards its user. Mia caught her returning disc, but the force of it sent her skidding backwards a bit.

Their opponents were already on the move. One made a mad dash for Flynn, letting his disc fly. Flynn used his own disc to deflect it. "Interesting way to start the game, kiddo."

Flynn let his disc fly, not toward the AI who'd attacked him, but at the other, who was coming for Mia.

"Heads up, sweetheart!"

The AI dodged just in time, causing Flynn's disc to ricochet once, then twice, and Flynn had to run to his left to retrieve it. Flynn caught his disc and made a swipe at his opponent. The AI leapt aside and was on the run, putting more space between them to make Flynn's job a little harder.

Mia's next throw of the disc was more poised and controlled, but the second AI raised his disc, effectively deflecting hers. This sent it ricocheting up towards the ceiling.

"Damn it," Mia cursed as she watched her disc's trajectory, waiting for it to return to her outstretched hand. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her opponent's disc hurtling towards her.

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