Meet Alli Warner xD

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Hey!! The name's Allizandria Warner, Alli for short. I happen to have black hair and blue eyes. I'm 23 and i live in Henderson, Nevada. Henderson is just a small town right along the outskirts of Las Vegas. I'm originally from PA but i left and came out west to start my makeup career. I went to college at Joe Blasco Makeup School and graduated so i can do anything with makeup... including turning people into monsters and other creatures :D. Its fun, but i havent landed any jobs for that yet, sadly. For now I work at a local Guitar Center in Vegas. Im currently in a relationship but the guy's an asshole, and living in a fairly nice house I'd say with two dogs, a dalmatian named Monroe and a beagle named Marilyn. Yeah, Marilyn Monroe is my hero. I love Falling In Reverse. My absolute favorite band. I loved Ronnie back when he was in Escape the Fate but now FIR is better. He really recreated himself and now his band is amazing. The lead guitarist Jacky Vincent is drop dead gorgeous. Hes too adorable, especially with that british accent <3  well honestly i could just about say thats it. well i have to go but ill talk to you later!!!

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