Smurfette Save The Day

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  Back at Gargamel Lair Gargamel Ask his bird Monty to speed up his Machine with a Fish on it. Gargamel Said We need more power!

Gargamel Said - Faster, Monty.
- Faster.

The Fish next to monty and chase it Monty Said Fish. Gargamel Machine Power Up. Gargamel Said Yes.
The juggler's jiggling.

Gargamel Said The spinny thing is spinning.
The smoke is going up.
The bubblers are bubbling.
Hubbada, Hubbada.
Oh, it's almost there.
Just keep running, old bird.

in a bird Cage Brainy as a plan to a escape. Brainy Smurf Said Here's what we're going to do.
I pick this lock.

The Smurfs and girl smurfs Said Yeah?

Brainy Smurf Said We swing to that shelf.

The Smurfs and The Girl Smurfs Said Yeah?

Brainy Smurf Said Pick up something heavy.

The Smurfs and The Girl Smurfs Said Yeah?

Brainy Smurf Said And use it to kill the bird!

The Smurfs and the girl smurfs Said Yeah! What?
Hefty Smurf Said Yeah! Wait.

Hefty Smurf Said You want us to kill the bird?

Brainy Smurf Said Fine. We'll just
knock him unconscious.

SmurfStorm Said Genius!

Brainy Smurf Said All right, then.
Brainy and Hefty Said Let's do this.

In The Another Bird Cage Princess Sofia SmurfWillow and Papa Smurf Hear the smurfs planning to Escape. SmurfWillow Said They have an escape plan,
but they're going
to need our help.

Princess Sofia Said Willow Right We Have to Help Them. Papa Smurf Said Your Right Sofia It's time to rock the cage.

SmurfWillow Said Don't be weird.

Princess Sofia Laugh at Willow Jokes. Brainy Unlock the cage. Brainy Smurf Said Yes!

Clumsy and the Girl Smurfs hold their Hands together. Princess Sofia SmurfWillow and Papa Smurf hold their Hand as well and they Rock the cage together. Brainy Smurf Said Okay. Now!

They form a Rope and hold on Sofia Willow and Papa Smurf Hands. Azrael try to Warn his Master that the smurfs are trying to Escape. Azrael Said meow meow their trying to escape with the smurf princess. Gargamel Said Stop that, Azrael.
I can't calibrate my machine
with all your
incessant yammering.

Azrael try to catch them but he miss only catch SmurfBlossom Dress and they fall apart of the smurf rope. Brainy and Hefty are Lucky to be on the wood wall but clumsy and the girl smurfs are not. Gargamel Said Oh, yes, Azrael, listen to it.
It purrs like a kitten.
Oh, look at that.
Everything is in sync.
Yes, yes. Good.

one of the Beakers fall and hit Azrael Head. Azrael Said OW. Gargamel Said Huh? Sweet mercy!
It's another jailbreak!

Gargamel Catch Clumsy and the girl smurfs in a butterfly Net. Papa Smurf Said No, Gargamel. No.

Princess Sofia Said Leave those Smurfs Alone you Big Nose Wizard. Gargamel Said Quiet down Princess Smurf
You'll all get your turn.
In you go!

Gargamel Throw Clumsy and The Girl Smurfs into the machine and blue Magic come out of them. The Girl Smurfs Said AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Princess Sofia SmurfWillow and Papa Smurf Said No!

Brainy and Hefty Smurf Said Gasp! The Machine Steal The Smurfs essence to make him the most powerful wizard in the world. Gargamel Said Yes, that's the stuff ha ha ha ha.

Gargamel Said it working it working la la la la la. Green mist came out of the Machine and He has Magic. Gargamel Said Oh, I can feel it.
I can feel the power.

He made a New Wizard Robe and a Chain Necklace with The Letter G and He have Long Hair. Gargamel Said Oh! Ha Ha Ha. Gargamel Said Check out my wizard mane. Gargamel Laughing.

Brainy Smurf Said Really, man?

Gargamel Said When I'm through
with these smurfs, and Their Smurf Princess
I'll have all the power
I've ever dreamed of!

Gargamel Laughing. Smurfette Voice Said Almost all the power.

Gargamel Said Huh?

He Turn Around to See Smurfette at The Cat Door. Hefty Smurf Said Smurfette.

Gargamel Said Smurfette,
what a lovely surprise.
Are you done
crying in the woods?

Smurfette Said I've shed enough tears
for those smurfs.

Gargamel Said What's this?

Smurfette Said I'm done pretending
to be something I'm not.
I've come to repledge my
loyalty to you, my true papa.

Papa Smurf Said Gasp! Princess Sofia Said oh no. Gargamel Said Impossible.

SmurfWillow Said She can't be serious.

Princess Sofia Said I Don't know Willow maybe pretending. Papa Smurf Said No, no, no, she would never do that Sofia.

Gargamel Said Even if I did believe
you, which I don't,
what could you possibly offer me
that I don't already have?
A tiny little massage
that I can't even feel?

Smurfette Said How about
the rest of the smurfs?

Gargamel Said Ha Ha Ha Yeah, right.
Wait, what?

Smurfette Said Just think of all
the power you'll have
once I reveal the location
of smurf village.

Princess Sofia SmurfWillow and Papa Smurf Said Gasp! Hefty and Brainy Said Gasp! The Girl Smurfs Gasp! as Well. Gargamel Said Ha Ha Ha Ha Oh, let's see now.
One hundred more smurfs,
that's 10 times the power...
No. If you carry the one...
It's a lot more power.
Now, why are you doing this?

Smurfette Said I'm so tired of being good.
Use your power to transform me
back to my evil self.

Gargamel Said Ha Ha Ha Ha Your loyalty has
returned to you.

Smurfette Said So, do we have a deal?

Papa Smurf Said Smurfette, no!

Princess Sofia Said Don't Do it Smurfette I think all the smurfs back at Smurf Village Think of Smurfy Grove think of Me your Best Friend please Don't do it. Gargamel Said Quiet, you vile blue rats.
I'm thinking.

Ding from the machine give Gargamel an Idea. Gargamel Said Okay, I'm done.
Let's do it.
One evil Smurfette
coming right up!

Gargamel use green magic to turn smurfette evil but the magic get suck in Smurfette and he losing his powers. Brainy Smurf Said Wait. Of course!

Gargamel Said What? Oh,
what's happening?
No! No!
What are you doing?

Hefty Smurf Said Yeah! Go, Smurfette!

Brainy Smurf Said Whoo!

Princess Sofia SmurfWillow and Papa Smurf Smile. Gargamel Said Azrael, help! More power!

Azrael Said i'm coming. Azrael give Gargamel more power. Gargamel Said ha ha ha ha ha. Brainy Smurf Said What are we going to do?

Hefty look at the jars and got an idea. Hefty Smurf Said Bingo. We Smurfboard.

they use the spoon to side next to the axe. Brainy Smurf Said Whoa!

Brainy and Hefty Smurf Said Team smurf!

Hefty Smurf Said Payback time.

Hefty Punch Monty and flew out of the machine and bump into Azrael. Brainy Smurf Said ah ha. Smurfette suck all the magic and free all the smurfs and princess Sofia. Gargamel Said No!

it send Gargamel Azrael and Monty flying out of his castle and landed back at The Swamp of no return and Fish are biting them and Chasing him and his pets all over the swap. Gargamel Said OW OW OW Smurfintine!

The Magic Unlock The Cages and free princess sofia and all the Smurfs. Princess Sofia Said We're free! Smurfette Did it she save us.

Clumsy Smurf Said I'm okay. Yeah!

Smurfblossom hugs her friends. SmurfBlossom Said I thought we were goners.

SmurfWillow Said All right. Everybody.
Thank goodness.

Hefty Smurf Said All right!

Clumsy Smurf Said I'm okay!

Brainy Smurf Said She did it!

Princess Sofia Said Hefty Brainy Clumsy you guys are Okay! and i'm happy your all right. Hefty Smurf Said Were happy your ok to Sofia and Where's Smurfette?

Hefty Smurf Said Hey.

Princess Sofia and the smurfs saw Smurfette turn back into a lump of clay and everyone was Sad. Hefty Smurf Said Smurfette?

Princess Sofia Said Gasp! Papa Smurf What happened?

Papa Smurf Said This is what she once was Sofia.

Hefty and Princess Sofia place their Hand on the clay that was Smurfette. SmurfBlossom Crying and Hugs SmurfWillow to lose her new best friend. Sofia was Crying too that smurfette is gone. the smurfs are crying as well. Papa Smurf Said No. No, no, no.
There's gotta be
something I can do.
There's gotta be a spell.
There's gotta be something.
I know there is.
Where is it? What page?
Must be here.
"Alchemy, vanishing,
"lead into gold."
No, that's not it.

Brainy Smurf Said Papa.

Papa Smurf Said Which spell? Which spell?

Brainy Smurf Said Papa.
We won't find the answer
to this in a book.

Princess Sofia Said Brainy right and i'm sorry for everything papa smurf. Papa Smurf Said no it not sofia and i'm sorry for yelling at you and you just wanna help the smurfs. Hefty Smurf Said Let's take her home.

Hefty Smurf Carry the clay of Smurfette Back to Smurf Village.  

Sofia Adventures in Smurfs: The Lost VillageWhere stories live. Discover now