Gargamel Catch Sofia and The Smurfs

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  In The Swamp of No Return. Monty Save Gargamel and Azrael from being Fish food put them on land. Gargamel Said Flap, Monty.

Gargamel Said Flap vigorously.
Use your mighty condor wings
to carry your master to safety.
Ouch! Oh! Ow!
Sweet mercy,
they're bottom feeders!

Monty Said AAAAHHH! Your Too Big. a red fish bite Gargamel Butt and he slap the fish with his hand. Gargamel Said Devil fish!

Azrael Said Huh? Look in the Sky. Gargamel Said Where is my lost smurf village?

He look at Azrael point in the Sky. Gargamel Said Huh?

He look at the sky and saw SmurfStorm and Clumsy on a dragonfly. Gargamel Said What? Smurfs!
Why won't they just die? he call monty to catch the smurfs.

Gargamel Said Monty, retrieve them!

Monty fly high in the sky. In the sky clumsy talk to SmurfStorm. Clumsy Smurf Said He exists, all right.
He and his stinky cat
and his dodo bird.
They've been terrorizing
us the entire journey.
He didn't like us
from the start.
He never could find our village.
So then he made
a plan to capture us all,
and that's when Gargamel
created Smurfette.

SmurfStorm Said Hold up.
Smurfette was created
by this Gargamel?

Clumsy Smurf Said Oh and our new friend SmurfSofia is not a real Smurf She Really a Human. SmurfStorm Said What? She a Human all along. Clumsy Smurf Said Oh, yeah Sofia come to our village to help us on a great Adventure and Smurfette Made From a lump of Clay.
Really cool story, actually.

SmurfStorm Said I knew I didn't trust her and The Princess Made a Fool out of Me.

Clumsy Smurf Said Oh, you'd like her and Sofia
if you get to know her and the princess.
they are just like you, but nice.

SmurfStorm Said Hold on.
We got a bogey coming in.

Monty Said there you are. Clumsy Smurf Said That's no bogey. That's
Gargamel's big dumb bird!

Monty Said get back there. SmurfStorm Said Here, you fly.

Clumsy Smurf Said Uh, that's not a great idea.
Flying's not really my thing.

SmurfStorm Said Have you ever flown before?

Clumsy Smurf Said Well, no.

SmurfStorm Said Well, then how do you
know it's not your thing? she shoot arrows at monty.

Monty fly too fast. Monty Said you miss. SmurfStorm Said He's coming back.

Clumsy Smurf Said Uh... oh, what do I...

SmurfStorm Said Hurry!

Clumsy Smurf Said What do I do now?

Clumsy and SmurfStorm said Whoa! Whoa! SmurfStorm Said Oh! Good move!

SmurfStorm Said Now, do it again!

Clumsy Smurf Said Okay.

SpitFire Help Clumsy Again. Clumsy Smurf Said Thanks.

Clumsy Smurf Said Hyah! Oh! Whoa!

Gargamel Said Yes. Wait a minute.
I don't recognize
that other smurf.

Azrael Said I never seen her before. Gargamel Said Gasp! They found
my lost smurf village.

SmurfStorm try to shot the bird down but miss. Clumsy Smurf Said Hey, I've got an idea.
Spitfire, spit fire! Spitfire light a fire on stormy arrow

SmurfStorm Said I like the way you think.

Clumsy Smurf Said I guess I'm pretty good
with dragonflies after all.

Spitfire Nodded. SmurfStorm Shot Monty down and land of Gargamel Hand. Gargamel Said Monty!
What have they done to you,
my glorious bird of prey?

Monty Said Ouch! He drop Monty to the ground and Yell. Gargamel Said Smurfs!

Back at Smurfy Grove Brainy in a hot tub. Brainy Smurf Said Hmm?

Brainy see hefty in a bath rug. Brainy Smurf Said Hmm.

Caterpillar Said Shiatsu or Swedish?
Probably Swedish.

The Crab use his claw to snap brainy nose to talk to hefty. Brainy Smurf Said So, about all that stuff
I said back at the beach...
I guess I kind of overreacted.

The Caterpillar force Hefty to talk to Brainy. Hefty Smurf Said Ow.
Yeah. Me, too.

Brainy Smurf Said So, uh, we good?

Hefty Smurf Said - Yeah, we're good.

Smurfette Said - Hey, guys.

Smurfette and SmurfSofia with the other girl smurfs fly down next to brainy and hefty. SmurfSofia Said Isn't this place awesome?

SmurfBlossom Said Doesn't she and Sofia look great?
It's like she and the princess are one of us now.

SmurfBlossom Said She and The Princess should stay with us forever.

SmurfSofia Said What? SmurfBlossom hugs Smurfette and SmurfSofia. Hefty Smurf Said Uh, one, she and the princess always looks great.
And two, this is getting a little
out of hand, don't you think?

Smurfette Said Sorry.

SmurfSofia Said We can't take you seriously
with that mask on your face.

Hefty and Brainy remove there mask on off there face. Hefty Smurf Said Hey, Smurfette, we did
what we came here to do.
These smurfs
know about Gargamel.
So, come on, let's start
thinking about heading home and sofia has the go back to her kingdom.

Smurfette Said Home?

SmurfSofia Said my kingdom? But I... I...

Smurfette and SmurfSofia look back at Smurflily SmurfBlossom and SmurfWillow. Hefty Smurf Said It's time to go.

Smurfette and SmurfSofia are still Smiling. Hefty Smurf Said Smurfette? Princess?

Clumsy Smurf Said Incoming!

Clumsy and SmurfStorm fly back to smurfy Grove. Clumsy Smurf Said Turns out I do do well
with dragonflies.

SmurfStorm Said They were right. This Gargamel
character, he's real,
and he's headed this way.

Smurfette Said Oh, no. See? I told you...

SmurfStorm Said Oh, no. See? I told you...
Put a cork in it, Smurfette.
The way I see it, you and
your little boyfriends along with the princess
led him straight to us.
But, of course, that was your
plan all along, wasn't it?

SmurfWillow Said Smurfstorm, easy.

SmurfStorm Said Little miss yellow hair
isn't even a real smurf.
She was created by Gargamel.
The clumsy blob
told me so himself.

SmurfStorm turn to SmurfSofia. SmurfStorm Said And you princess your not a real smurf you are a human all this time and trying to make a fool out All of Us. Girl Smurfs Said Gasp! SmurfWillow Said Smurfette,SmurfSofia, is that true?

Smurfette Said It's not like that.

SmurfSofia Said We just wanna Help you guys. SmurfStorm Said She was made to
help him find smurfs and they bring that Human to our home and lie to us about being a smurf are you princess. SmurfSofia Said your right I Guest i have to show you who i really am. SmurfSofia Touch her Pink Amulet and Say. SmurfSofia Said I Wish I Was myself again she turn back into a Human. Girl Smurfs are Shock and Gasp! Princess Sofia Said My name is Princess Sofia of Enchancia and i'm sorry i lie to you. SmurfStorm Said I Knew it you lie to us princess. Hefty Smurf Said Leave The Princess Alone and Smurfette came here
to help you. We all did.

Smurfette Said It's okay, hefty.
This is all my fault.

Princess Sofia Said and it's my Fault too. SmurfWillow look at Sofia and the smurfs. SmurfWillow Said Girls, protection mode.

Girl Smurfs take there spears and Princess Sofia Touch her Amulet again and Say Princess Smurf Said I Wish i was a Smurf again. she walk next to smurfette. Hefty Smurf Said Come on, bro, let's help.

SmurfStorm Stare at Princess Sofia and Smurfette. At Night all the girl smurfs are holding there Arrows to fight the big nose wizard. Clumsy Smurf Said Isn't this exciting?

Princess Sofia and the Smurfs tell clumsy to be quit. Princess Sofia Smurfette Brainy and Hefty Said Shh!

SmurfWillow rise her hand to call the girl smurfs to attack the wizard. SmurfWillow Said Hold.

it come closer. SmurfWillow Said Hold.

Bucky the glow bunny came out of leaves. SmurfWillow Said Now!

Girl Smurfs throw arrow at bucky but he kick them away. SmurfWillow attack Papa Smurf to a Big Rock. SmurfWillow Said Surrender, wizard.

Papa Smurf Said What? Wizard?

He see girl smurfs and Shock. SmurfJade Said Oh, he's so old.

SmurfMolly Said Is he wearing a disguise?
Look at his face.

Papa Smurf Said This is impossible.

SmurfStorm Said He doesn't seem so tough.

SmurfBlossom Said Yeah, Gargamel!
That's what you get when
you attack Smurfy grove.

Papa Smurf Said Gargamel?
What are you talking about?

Smurfette Said No, no, no, wait.

Princess Sofia Said This is a mistake. SmurfJade Said What?

Papa Smurf Said Princess Sofia? Smurfette?

Smurfette Said That's papa.

SmurfWillow Said Papa?

SmurfBlossom Said Papa?
There's another funny word.
Papa. Papa. Papa!

she bang her stick on the ground. SmurfWillow Said Smurfblossom, no.
Breathe deep and step away
from the papa-thing.

Smurfette Said Everyone, meet papa smurf.

Papa smurf got up and see girl smurfs. All Girl Smurfs say Hey.

papa smurf way back at them. Papa Smurf Said Hey.

SmurfJade Said Hi. I'm Smurfjade.

Papa Smurf hug Smurfette and turn around to see Sofia. Princess Sofia Said oh hi papa smurf sorry we trick you. Papa Smurf Said it's Ok Sofia and Where are the boys?

Bucky plush Hefty Brainy and Clumsy out of the leaves. Hefty Smurf Said 'Sup, papa?

Brainy Smurf Said Hello there.

Clumsy Smurf Said I rode a dragonfly!

Papa Smurf Said Well, thank goodness
you're all okay.

Smurfette Said How did you find us?

Papa Smurf Said ha ha I wasn't
born yesterday, you know.

SmurfWillow Said Yeah, that's clear.

Papa Smurf Said Look, you four are coming
home with me. Now and Sofia I Think it Time you go back to your Kingdom.

Princess Sofia Said But I Wanna help those Smurfs girls. SmurfWillow Said Not so fast,
papa-thing The Princess is right she just want to help us.

Papa Smurf Said "Papa-thing"? Are you
the one in charge here?

SmurfWillow Said That's right.
I'm Smurfwillow,
leader of the smurfs.

Papa Smurf Said I'm afraid that's
quite impossible,
because I happen to be
the leader of the smurfs.

SmurfWillow Said Whatever you say,

Papa Smurf Said Excuse me, do you
mind not calling me that?

SmurfWillow Said Well, if the thing fits...

Papa Smurf Said By the way, where'd
you learn those moves?

SmurfWillow Said Self-taught, actually.

Papa Smurf Said Impressive.

SmurfWillow Said Thank you.

Papa Smurf Said You're quite welcome.

Smurfette Said Okay, not really sure
what's happening here,
but, uh, what about Gargamel?

Princess Sofia Said Smurfette Right We gotta Stop Him. Papa Smurf Said What? What is all
this talk about Garga...

but than two Freeze Balls Frozen Papa Smurf and SmurfWillow. Princess Sofia and The Smurfs are Shock that he here. Gargamel Laugh. Princess Sofia Said Oh-no. Smurfette and Princess Sofia Said Gargamel!

Gargamel Said Oh, I'm sorry.
Did I scare you?

He put the two frozen smurfs in his bag. Frozen Papa Smurf Said No!

Gargamel Said I hope so.

Princess Sofia Said - Everybody run!

SmurfStorm Said - Arm yourselves!

They close the gate but Gargamel brake it open. Gargamel Said Prepare for Garmageddon! ha ha ha ha.

Hefty Smurf Said This way!

They try to gateway from him but Azrael block there way. Azrael Said Meow We meet again Smurf Princess. Princess Sofia Said run. Monty fly to smurfty grove and destroy there treehouse. Gargamel destroy there homes too. SmurfStorm Said Spears, now!

Gargamel Said Gargamel says freeze!

Gargamel use freeze balls to freeze the two smurfs. Gargamel Said Gargamel-approved,
grade-a, first-class,
high-octane freeze balls.
Freeze ball! Freeze ball!
Freeze ball! Freeze ball!

Hefty Smurf Said Look out!

all the smurfs are frozen. Azrael Said what if they still work. Gargamel Said Well, I assume
they'll still work
if I don't shout "freeze ball,"
but we'll never know.

Gargamel Said - Freeze ball!

Gargamel throw a Freeze Ball at Smurfette and Princess Sofia but Hefty Smurf save them. Hefty Smurf Said - Smurfette! Princess Sofia!

Smurfette Said Hefty. Princess Sofia Said oh dear.

Monty use freeze balls to freeze all the smurfs. Hefty Smurf Said It's over, Smurfette.

Azrael pull the smurfs in the bag and give it to monty. Gargamel Said Monty, bag o' smurfs. Ah!

Hefty Smurf Said It's time for you and the princess to run.

Gargamel take the three smurfs in the bag and monty catch the bag. Smurfette and Princess Sofia Said No!

Gargamel Said Three more for pickup.ha ha ha ha ha.

the only smurfs left are Smurfette SmurfSofia and a Frozen Smurfblossom. Gargamel Said Ah, Smurfette.
My little creation.
You finally did
what you were made for with the help of the smurf princess.

Smurfette Said No. It's not true.

Gargamel Said Of course it is.
Why do you think
you led me here?
Why do you think you
saved me on the river?
It was all part of the plan.
No matter how hard you try,
you can't escape your destiny.
And now, you're really
of no use to me anymore.

Gargamel Hold Two Freeze Balls at Smurfette and Smurf Sofia the freeze balls hit the two Smurf Sofia got Frozen and Smurfette is not Frozen and green mist went inside her. Gargamel Said Freeze ball!

Smurf Sofia Said Smurfette No! it freeze Smurf Sofia but Smurfette is not because the green mist went inside her. Gargamel Said Ah, yes, these freeze balls
only work on real smurfs.
And you are nothing more
than a lump of Clay.
Thank you for everything.
Smurfette stare at Gargamel and a frozen SmurfBlossom and Smurf Sofia. SmurfBlossom Said Smurfette? How could
you do this to us? and Sofia why Didn't you Tell me your a Human and lie to us?

Gargamel take SmurfBlossom and Smurf Sofia. Gargamel Said Because it was her purpose and you Smurf Princess are coming with Me.

Gargamel and his cat Azrael go back to his home with all the smurfs and princess sofia and she can hear sofia voice. Smurf Sofia Said Smurfette please save us your my best friend. Smurfette was all alone. Crying and it's raining. Smurfette Said oh sofia my best friend is taking away what have i done. Snappy came to see smurfette and try to talk to her. Snappy Record Voice Said Smurfy thing finder
for four small smurfs.

Snappy giggles try to talk to her. Smurfette Said Huh?

Snappy show her the picture of her friend and other animals join in to keep smurfette company. Smurfette Said I'm sorry, you guys and Sofia you're my best smurf friend i ever had.

Snappy giggles. Smurfette Said No, snappy.
I've done too much
damage already and lost a new friend.

Snappy talk to her again. to look at the picture of herself. Hefty Record Voice We're team smurf,
and we're in this together.

Smurfette Record Voice - We're smurfs.
- We do the right thing.

Smurfette Said I'm not even a real smurf.

Smurfette Said Gasp! I'm not a real smurf.

Smurfette Said I gotta save my friends but How? Smurfette got an Idea.  

Sofia Adventures in Smurfs: The Lost VillageWhere stories live. Discover now