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  Sofia and The Smurfs are Wash Up on a Beach. Two Crabs take Brainy Glasses But SmurfSofia and Smurfette got up and found Brainy Glasses. SmurfSofia Said Brainy.

Smurfette Said Hefty?

SmurfSofia Said You okay?

She Give Brainy his Glasses Back. Brainy Smurf Said Define "okay."

Smurfette Said Where's clumsy?

Hefty Smurf Said Clumsy! Clumsy!

SmurfSofia Said Clumsy!

They here Clumsy Voice MMMMMM and Turn around and sound Clumsy under the sand. Clumsy Smurf Said I'm good.

Three Crabs took Clumsy Pants. Three Little Crabs Said Run away! Run away!

Clumsy Smurf Said I think.

Brainy Smurf Said My pack! My manual!
No! No, no, no! No, no, no!
My scout manual!
This is all your fault!

Hefty Smurf Said What?

Smurfette Said Brainy, cut it out.

Brainy Smurf Said Oh, I'm sorry. Correction.
This is your fault, too and Princess Sofia. Princess Sofia Said Gasp! Brainy That's not very nice of you.

Hefty Smurf Said Leave her and the princess out of this.

Smurfette Said Hefty, I don't need you
to fight my fights for me.

Hefty Smurf Said Wait, now you're mad at me, too?

Brainy Smurf Said Smurfette, you're the one
that got us into this whole
mess in the first place and Sofia your a human and lie to us about being a Smurf. Princess Sofia Said hey it's not my idea i just wanna help. Smurfette Said Hey, I was ready
to do this on my own and I Don't care Sofia a human or a Smurf she my best smurf friend i ever have.

Princess Sofia Said Why Thank you Smurfette. Hefty Smurf Said Great.
So much for team smurf.

Clumsy Smurf Said I want to yell about something!

Brainy Smurf Said Stay out of this, clumsy.

Princess Sofia Said Leave Him Alone Brainy. Hefty Smurf Said That's it, brain man. It's time for
you to earn your manners badge.

Brainy Smurf Said AAAAAHHHHHHHH! Smurfette Said Stop it!

Princess Sofia Said Please Don't fight you guys.

A Spear appear next to sofia and the smurfs and the Gasp! they look at the trees and more Spears appear and they run. Clumsy Smurf Said AAAHHH! Smurfette Said Take cover!

A monster appear and scare them. Sofia and the Smurfs Said Gasps AAAAHHHHHH. There trap in so many spears. The monster turn out to be Leave People. Sofia and the smurfs said Whoa!

Princess Sofia Said Huh?

One of the leave people put a spear at Hefty Smurf. Hefty Smurf Said Who are you?
What do you want?

Leave People move Hefty with her spear want to see Smurfette and SmurfSofia. Leave People Said Her and the Princess. Hefty Smurf Said Huh?

She take Smurfette and SmurfSofia to the leave people. Leave People said Move.

Hefty Smurf Said Sofia! Smurfette!

Leave People Said What should we do with her and the princess?

Leave People 2 Said Look at that hair.

Leave People 3 Said Where's she and the princess from?
And that dress.

one of the leave people look at smurfsofia and smurfette and they look back. Smurfette Said Gasp! SmurfSofia Said It's you.

She Remove her leave mask and turn out to be a girl smurf. Smurfette Said You're a girl.

SmurfSofia Said She's a girl.

The all remove they leave masks as well and they are girl smurfs too. Smurfette said Oh.

SmurfSofia Said Oh.

Smurfette and SmurfSofia Said Oh.

Girl Smurf Said This is her and the princess.

Girl Smurf Said These are The smurfs
I was telling you about.

Girl Smurf Said The ones from the wall?

Girl Smurf Said They real?

Smurflily Said I'm Smurflily.

Smurfette Said Hi. I'm Smurfette.

SmurfSofia Said Hi Smurflily i'm SmurfSofia. but then a another smurf girl hug smurfette and smurfsofia. Smurfblossom Said Oh, my geez-to-petes!
I'm Smurfblossom.
Nice to meet you. We
don't have a Smurfette or a SmurfSofia.
But we do have
Smurfpetal, Smurfclover,
Smurfmeadow, Smurfdaisy,
Smurfholly, Smurfhazel...

Girl Smurfs Said Hey.

Smurfblossom Said Oh, everyone can just
introduce themselves later.
Look at you.
You're so different.
I mean, sorry, but it's true.
Do you know how to start a fire
with just rope and a stick?
I do. I can show you.
Actually, Smurfstorm
can show you.
She's the best at that kind of thing.
Right, stormy?

Smurfstorm pull an arrow at them. Smurfblossom Said That means "yes."
Have you ever seen a rainbow?
What about a double rainbow?
What about an upside
down rainbow?
So, is your favorite song...

SmurfBlossom Sing Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey. Smurfblossom Said 'Cause mine is.
Your dressess are so pretty.

Smurflily Said Smurfblossom, remember,
work on that filter, okay?

Smurfblossom Said Right.
Filter, filter.

Smurfstorm Said What's your deal anyway?

Smurfette Said Oh, well, we came to
warn you about Gargamel.

Smurfholly Said Garga?

Smurfdaisy Said Garga?

Smurfmeadow Said Garga-what?

SmurfSofia Said He's a dangerous wizard who
wants to capture all smurfs
and use them for his evil magic.
And he knows about
your lost village.

SmurfStorm Said "Lost village"?
You're the ones
who are lost, not us.

Smurfette and SmurfSofia look back at Brainy Hefty and Clumsy. Smurflily Said We have to take you
to Smurfy grove.

SmurfSofia Said Smurfy grove? Smurfholly Said What do we do with
these blue blobs?

Smurflily Said Oh, um...
Bring them along.

Smurfblossom Said Come on, SmurfSofia and Smurfette. I'm
gonna show you Two my room.
You Two can tell me
all about Gargasmell.
But first, do you want to
hear my favorite song again?

Smurfblossom Sing Again Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey. Smurfholly Said All right, move.

Clumsy Smurf Said Dang!
Girl smurfs mean business.

Smurfholly Said You got that right.

They walk into the wood and Smurflily blow her flower Horn. A Girl Smurf jump on the Colorful Pumpkins and The Gate Open with a village of female smurfs. Girl Smurf Said Open the gate!

Girl Smurf Said The girls are back!

Smurfette and SmurfSofia saw many girl smurfs liveing on Tree House in the Trees. Smurfette and SmurfSofia Made a Big Smile. Girl Smurf Said Wow. Girl Smurf Said Gasp! The Girl Smurf walk to see the boy smurfs. Girl Smurf Said Ew! Where did
they find them?
Is there something
wrong with them?

Girl Smurf 2 Said Are they sick?

Girl Smurf 3 Said Are they food?

Smurfette Said No, no, no. They're
smurfs, just like us.
Except, well,
they're boy smurfs.

Smurfblossom Said Ha Ha Ha Ha "Boy." That's a funny word.
Boy. Boy. Boy. Boy.
Look at me.
I'm a boy smurf.

Girl Smurf Said I like 'em. Where
do they come from?

Girl Smurf Said - What is that?
Girl Smurf said - Where is their hair?
Girl Smurf said - You can see their tails.
Girl Smurf said - Oh, look.

Hefty Smurf Said Hey, watch it!

Brainy Smurf Said Brainy's log, day two.
We've encountered
a rare new life-form.
Are there more like you?
They are at times
very intimidating.
Are you gonna stay here?
And they smell nice.

Girl Smurf Said Hello, boy.

Brainy Smurf Said More on that later.

Girl Smurf Said Oh, I want one!

A Girl Smurf touch brainy tale and poke it more of them poke brainy tale. Brainy Smurf Said OW! Boundaries!
Okay, that... OW.
Brainy Smurf Said That's enough of that!

Smurfette Said They're my friends. That's
hefty, brainy and clumsy.

Clumsy Smurf Said Hey, there!

SmurfBlossom Said Hooptie, Berney, Klutzy.
Got it.
We should do name tags.

SmurfSofia Said Wait, where are your boys?

Female Smurf Leader Said You won't find any boys here princess.

There leader use the flower to fly down to the ground and remove her mask. SmurfSofia Said Gasp! Who are you? SmurfWillow Said I am Smurfwillow,
leader of the smurfs.

Sofia and the Smurfs are Shock that she look like Papa Smurf but she a girl. SmurfWillow Said This is called an introduction.
So, now, you go.

Smurfette Said Uh, I, um...

SmurfStorm Said Don't get too close, Willow.
Something's not right here.

Smurfette Said I promise we're
only here to help.
We came to warn you about
the evil wizard, Gargamel.
He has a map with a landmark
leading him to three tall trees.
Show 'em, brainy.

Brainy Smurf Said Snappy.

Snappy come out of brainy hat and SmurfStorm stare at him Angry. SmurfStorm Said Don't try any funny stuff, bug.

Snappy draw three trees and SmurfWillow told them. SmurfWillow Said I hate to break it to you,
but those aren't trees.

SmurfSofia Said Wait I Don't Understand if there not trees but what are they. they look at the picture of the trees and the female smurfs move to see a Waterfall. SmurfSofia Said They're waterfalls.

Smurfette Said Gargamel's going the wrong way.

SmurfBlossom Said And if he went there,
then that means the
swamp of no return.

Smurfette and SmurfSofia Stop Smiling and Shock. SmurfStorm Said There's no way he could survive.

Smurfette and SmurfSofia saw an Image of Gargamel and his pets are being Attack by Snapping Fish. Gargamel Said Aah! Help me! Help me!

The Fish try to bite them. Gargamel Said There's no way I'll survive!

Smurfette Said With all due respect,
you don't know Gargamel.

SmurfStorm Said Yeah, well, with no due
respect, you don't know us.

SmurfBlossom Said Trust us, he's a goner.

SmurfWillow Said Stormy, why don't you do a little recon?
Check things out.

SmurfStorm Said And leave you here
with these five?
No way.

SmurfStorm Said Look at that one. She point at Brainy Smurf.

Brainy Smurf Said Huh?

SmurfStorm Said He can't be normal.

SmurfWillow Said I think we'll be just fine here.

SmurfStorm look back at Smurfette and SmurfSofia and called Her DragonFly. SmurfStorm Said Spitfire!

Spitfire fly down to SmurfStorm and her jump on to Spitfire and Fire come out of it's Mouth. SmurfStorm Said Okay. So, what does
this Gargamel look like?

Clumsy Smurf Said Oh, you know,
he's your typical wizard.
Long black robe, lives alone
with his cat and his bird.
It's sad, really.

SmurfStorm Said You're coming with me. you can point him out.

SmurfSofia Said can i come too stormy. SmurfStorm Said Sorry kid there no room for you. Hefty Smurf Said Hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa. There's
no way he's getting on a...

SmurfStorm take clumsy by his nose and put him on Spitfire. Clumsy Smurf Said I feel the need to remind
you, my name is clumsy. They flying away and Clumsy Scream. Clumsy Smurf Said AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! Hefty Smurf Said Clumsy!

SmurfWillow Said Don't worry.
Clumsy's in good hands.

SmurfSofia Said she right Hefty Clumsy will be Ok. SmurfWillow Said how right you are SmurfSofia. SmurfBlossom Said Oh, stormy is the
sweetest, in her own way.

SmurfWillow Said All right, girls,
in the meantime,
our guests have
had a long journey,
so let's show them some
hospitality, Smurfy grove style.

All Girl Smurfs Cheer. Girl Smurf Said Whoo-hoo!

They play there Drums and Blow there flower horns. she throw flowers all the village. they put flowers and neckless of Smurfette and SmurfSofia. SmurfBlossom Said Come on.

They give hefty and brainy neckless and plush those two. Hefty Smurf Said Huh? Girl Smurf Said Go.

Smurflily show Smurfette and SmurfSofia to shot the arrow in the target but they try and miss the target. Hefty Smurf Said Hey, SmurfSofia, Smurfette, check this out.

Hefty is going to shot the arrow in the target but brainy shot arrow on Hefty Hat. Brainy Smurf Said Hee Hee. Hefty is upset. SmurfBlossom and Smurf Lily teach Smurfette and SmurfSofia to use flowers to fly up. SmurfBlossom Said Come on!

They fly up along with SmurfSofia and Smurfette. Brainy was doing math with the girl smurfs SmurfBlossom and Smurflily laugh that hefty write toots that hefty draw and brainy got mad. Smurflily help SmurfSofia and Smurfette almost shot the arrow in the target. Girl Smurfs are holding barbells and hefty try it but brainy put glue on it. Snappy fly away and brainy turn around to see Hefty got mad. SmurfSofia Smurfette Hefty and brainy are doing yoga with the girl smurfs but hefty trip brainy. Smurfsofia and Smurfette are riding with the bees. SmurfSofia and Smurfette shot arrows in many targets and girls smurfs cheer at Smurf Sofia and Smurfette.  

Sofia Adventures in Smurfs: The Lost VillageWhere stories live. Discover now