Smurfette Meets SmurfSofia

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  Meanwhile in The Center of Smurf Village Smurfette was sitting on a Bench being Bored and Watching all the boy smurfs doing there work and jobs but then she a new smurf in a Purple Dress she Never seen before in Smurf Village. Smurfette Jump and Gasp! SmurfSofia said Oh Sorry I'm just new here in Smurf Village and i saw only boy smurfs and you are the only Girl in The Village. Smurfette said Tell me about it. SmurfSofia said i'm SmurfSofia it nice to me you. Smurfette said Hi I'm Smurfette and i like your Dress. SmurfSofia said thank you say can i sit next to you. Smurfette said Well ok my new best smurf friend. SmurfSofia next to Smurfette on the bench and trying to keep her Company. Grouchy Smurf walk behind the bench and saw Smurfette and a new smurf he never seen before he got mad and angry. Grouchy Smurf said What are you doing? and who is this Smurf I Never seen her in The Village before?
Smurfette said Oh.Hey, grouchy, This is my new smurf friends SmurfSofia.

SmurfSofia said Hi. Smurfette said and We were just...

Grouchy Smurf said Leaving?

Smurfette said Um...

Grouchy Smurf said This is my bench.
I come here same time
every day, and I...

Smurfette said Ooh. Let me guess.
"And grouch."

Grouchy Smurf Said Exactly.

Grouchy Smurf Sit on The bench next to Smurfette and SmurfSofia. Smurfette said I can do that.
I can grouch.

SmurfSofia Is laughing at Smurfette Pretend to be Grouchy like him. Grouchy look at her. Grouchy Smurf said What are you Smileing at Kid? SmurfSofia said Oh it's Nothing. Passerby Smurf: Hey, New Smurf! Hey, Grouchy! Hey, Smurfette! Nice day, huh?

Grouchy Smurf: No, it's not! Smurfette: It's gonna rain! Which also helps the plants grow! But then again, it's gonna be cloudy! But then again, there might be a rainbow! But rainbows are dumb! Just kidding, I love rainbows! Ugh.

Grouchy Smurf: You're not very good
at this, are ya?

Smurfette said Uh, no, I'm not.

Grouchy Smurf said In fact, you're actually
kind of bad at it.

Smurfette said Yup.
But you're also bad at it.
That's a lie.
You're really,
really good at it. SmurfSofia said You really are Grouchy.

Smurfette got off the bench and go to brainy house and SmurfSofia follow Her. Smurfette Knock on his Door and Brainy open it. He Saw Smurfette and new smurf in Purple Dress. Smurfette said Hi, brainy This is my new smurf friend SmurfSofia. SmurfSofia said Hi Brainy it's so nice to meet you Can i come in your house with Smurfette. Brainy Smurf said Ok you can Come in and i like your dress. SmurfSofia said thank you.

Brainy take Smurfette hand and pull her in his Mushroom House along with SmurfSofia. Brainy Smurf said We're running trials
on my new invention.
The Smurfy thing finder.
Test subject, hefty smurf.

Hefty Smurf said Oh, hey, Smurfette!
I mean, uh...
Hey, Smurfette and Who this Smurf?

Smurfette said Hefty this is SmurfSofia SmurfSofia this is Hefty Smurf. Hefty Smurf said Hi SmurfSofia said Oh, hey. she see Hefty with a strange hat.
That thing's safe, right?

Brainy Smurf said - Is it safe?
- Of course.I'd get back here if I were you.
Snappy bug.
Take this down. Smurfy
thing finder trial 1.03.
Ready, hefty?

Hefty Smurf Said Roger that.

Brainy turn on the hat machine and made a juice with a heart like Hefty's. Brainy Smurf said Whoa!
It works!

Hefty Smurf Said Wow. This thing
really gets me.

Brainy Smurf said hefty's dominant trait.
Super strength.
Which I distill into this.
I call it brainy's
super Smurfy power fuel.
Here, you can try it first.
All clear!

Brainy Smurf give The Smurfy power fuel to Smurfette and Try to Drink it. Smurfette said Yeah, you see, when you say
things like "all clear,"
it makes me not want to...

A Clumsy Smurf open the door and knock the Smurfy power fuel and it go BOOM! And make a hole in the Wall. Clumsy Smurf Said Hey, guys.

Smurfette Hefty Brainy and Snappy Said Hi, clumsy.

Brainy Smurf Said You're just in time
to witness scientific history. Nosey look at the hole in the mushroom house.

Nosey Smurf Said Oh. What's going on
in here? and Who The New Smurf I Really like her Dress. Smurfette Brainy Clumsy Hefty and snappy said
None of your business, nosey.

SmurfSofia Said Nosey? Nosey Smurf Said Hmm. Well, all right.

SmurfSofia said Is he all Ways like that? Brainy Smurf Said Well Yeah. Smurfette wanna try The Veggie Hat. Smurfette Said Hey! If that vegetable hat can
tell us that hefty is strong,
maybe it can tell me
what an ette is.
Power it up, brainy.

Brainy Smurf Turn on The Machine and it when Crazy and Blue Mist come out and when inside Smurfette. Brainy Smurf and SmurfSofia Said Whoa.

Brainy Smurf Said Fascinating.

Smurfette Said What happened?

Brainy Smurf Said Somehow, instead of sending
energy out, you absorbed it.
Probably something
to do with the fact
that you're not a real...

Smurfette Said A real smurf? Go
ahead, you can say it.

Brainy Smurf Said this machine wasn't built for a
smurf of your, well, origins.

Smurfette said Yeah, it's okay. I get it.

Hefty Smurf look at Brainy Smurf. Hefty Smurf Said Brainy. Hefty Smurf said Hey, you know what? Let's
all go have some fun.

Smurfette Said Yeah!

Clumsy Smurf Said Pizza!

Smurfette Brainy and Hefty Smurf Said Smurfboarding!

Clumsy Smurf Said Smurfboarding! SmurfSofia Said What is SmurfBoarding Guys? Smurfette said We can Teach you SmurfSofia. SmurfSofia said Ok thanks Smurfette Let's go SmurfBoarding. Smurfette and Boy Smurfs Said YEAH!  

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