“I’m in love with you, Casey,” my voice was weak, and I felt extremely vulnerable. I looked up into his eyes and almost couldn’t believe it when I saw tear tracks on his face.

“I’m in love with you too, mate,” I wrapped my arms around Casey’s neck and hugged him tight. For the first time in my entire life I no longer felt like a Huntress. I felt like a person, a person who was completely and entirely happy with who they were.

~Beau’s POV~

I had been standing outside of Lucie’s room when I heard her love profession. She had never said she was in love with me, and I had never once seen or rather heard her so happy before. I looked down at my hand and saw the love letter that I had written her last year. A sad smile drifted onto my face and I walked back to my room. I called Aimeri and told him to get me a piece of paper and a pen. Seconds later he appeared in my room, materials in hand.

“Is that what I think it is?”

“What?” I asked confused, only then realizing the letter was still in my hand.

“Yeah. I need to write a second letter before I go. Just in case, you know?” Aimeri looked at me as though I had grown a second head.

“What the hell happened to you man? I don’t think I’ve ever-,”

“Don’t Aimeri. Just don’t. Look, just go sit in the armchair and play your stupid little ukulele.” He paused and then turned around, conjuring up his ukulele seconds later. He played a sad song, one that sounded incredibly old.

I turned my attention back to the piece of paper in front of me. I knew what I needed to write. I didn’t want to write it. I didn’t want Lucie to read the words that I needed to say. But I didn’t want to say them either, and if I wanted her to read the first letter, then I needed her to understand that I wasn’t trying to tear her apart from Casey. I never was. It was why I didn’t let her kiss me that first day, even though every fiber of my being told me to let her kiss me. So I needed her to read this second letter. I also knew that there was a chance that I wouldn’t be coming back. Not because I didn’t want to, but because whenever I did anything for Lucie it almost always got me killed. I was always distracted, always impulsive. I wasn’t the same person when I was around her, or even thinking about her. So I needed her to read this second letter. Because I needed her to know all of this, and I needed her to know that I didn’t resent her for choosing Casey over me.

The letter was shorter than the first, lasting less than a page, my signature fitting nicely at the bottom. I sealed the letter for the first time, writing her name in my elegant script that she had always nagged me for.

“I’m going to go give this to Lexi. She’ll give it to Lucie tomorrow while we’re away.” Aimeri gave me a sad smile but nodded anyways. He continued playing his sad song, closing his eyes as he got carried away into the music. I shut the door and walked across the hall to Lexi’s room, opening it softly without knocking.

“Hello Lexa,” her back straightened in her chair, instantly catching my formal tone. She turned towards me, face void of all emotion.

“Yes Beauregard?”

“I’m going with Dom on all of the calls this time. I’m not going to have another repeat of what happened last time. While I’m gone, I need you to give this to Lucie, say noon tomorrow? I don’t want or need to be around when she reads it, but please make sure that Casey isn’t in the near vicinity when she does read it. Promise me Lexa.” Her eyes flickered, much like they did every time I requested something formally from her. We were business partners first and friends second. The division wasn’t clear most of the time, but whenever we came to each other formally there was no room for negotiation. We each did whatever the other person asked, no questions asked.

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