Chapter 2

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"Flintpaw! Hold on!" Ebonypaw tried to run to her brother, but her paws felt heavy and stuck to the ground like the roots of a tree. The four rogues surrounded Flintpaw, slashing and clawing at him, sending blood and tufts of orange fur flying.

Her brother looked at her, his yellow eyes wide and lit with despair. "Help me!" He pleaded. "Please!"

"I'm coming! I'm trying!" Ebonypaw struggled to run, but she was moving as slow as a snail. "Hold on!" She wailed.

The silver tabby, Castiel, lunged at Flintpaw's neck, and she let out a screech as blood pooled heavily through his fur and soaked the grass. "Let him go! Flintpaw!" He went still, and she let out a screech.




Flintpaw! Her eyes snapped open, and she gasped sharply, her fur bristling. Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest as she jerked her head around, taking in her surroundings. She was in the apprentices den. The light of dawn shone through the roof of the den.

"Ebonypaw?" A dark red tabby stood in the entrance of the den, his yellow eyes filled with concern. "Are you okay?"

She drew in a deep breath, her fur slowly flattening along her spine. "I-I'm fine, Bloodfur..."

Her mentor studied her. "I hope so," He meowed. After a moment, he looked around the den and let out a small purr. "You know, just because you have the den to yourself doesn't mean you can make a mess of it."

"What?" Ebonypaw blinked and looked around, startled to see scraps of moss surrounding the remnants of her nest. It looked as though it had exploded around her. "Oh, sorry... I-I guess I was moving around a lot in my sleep." She looked at him anxiously. "Do you want me to clean it up?"

Bloodfur looked sympathetic. "You should, but it can wait until later." He turned and flicked his tail. "Are you ready for a training session? We're going hunting today."

"That sounds great." Ebonypaw yawned. "I'll be out in a minute." Bloodfur nodded and turned away to go into the clearing.

She sat up and shook bits of moss from her fur. She began to stretch, only to flinch and stop, looking down at her stomach. She shivered as she remembered the claws of the white rogue splitting open her skin. She had remained in the care of Creamheart, the ShadowClan medicine cat, for over a moon. Ebonypaw was sure that she was going to join StarClan with Flintpaw, but she had pulled through. Though her wound had healed, the scar across her stomach would remain there for the rest of her life, a constant reminder of the brutal attack she'd suffered.

Despite Creamheart assuring her over a moon ago that she could now move freely without the risk of opening the wound, Ebonypaw couldn't help but be cautious. The thought of the scar in her stomach opening again, blood pouring out, her vision spotty and fading away into darkness, terrified her. She could not experience that again. She knew it was mouse-brained to think such a thing could happen to a healed wound, but she couldn't help it.

Her nightmare replayed itself in her mind, and she felt sadness wash over her. This hadn't been the first one. Ever since the attack five moons ago, she had been having nightmares about Flintpaw. Each time, she would try to get to him and save his life. And each time, she would fail and have to see her brother die all over again. She looked down, her heart aching. I'm sorry, Flintpaw... She closed her eyes. It should have been me instead... She gave her pelt a shake, blinking away sleep as she stood up and slowly padded out of the den.

Many cats were hanging about the clearing. Spiderfang and Foxflower were crouched by the fresh kill pile, sharing a mouse. Tinylark padded up to them and dropped a frog onto the pile, purring a greeting.

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