Chapter 4

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A/N : I haven't seen y'all since Halloween 😩 I gotta do better.

A week later...

"You gotta try it" Billie encouraged Stokeley about some food she wanted him to try, but Stokeley waved her off. Over the past week, Stoke decided to widen his possibilities on friendships and try to let people in more. I mean that's what he wanted in the future but he didn't expect anything to happen in a week.

Stokeley still had his asshole tendencies, those weren't going anywhere, but he decided to loosen them so to speak. He truly met Billie on accident and didn't think anything from it and since the girl seemed so likable he decided to keep her around. He thought of Billie like a little sister, a cute little adorable person with so much optimism but she also help some type of darkness inside of her, which brought out Stokeley's curiosity. Everyone has some type of inner darkness whether it's shown to the world or not and Stokeley was quite determined to find out hers.

"I'm good" Stokeley said getting up from the seating area they were in an took it upon himself to wander around a little bit. Stokeley let his thoughts consume his mind as he walked around the small living room type area and looked around at all the other patients. Billie sat in her chair with a confused expression on her face as she watched her associate wander around the room like an idiot. She had decided to get up with him just to see the reason for why he was wandering around so aimlessly. Stokeley felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around quickly just to be met with Billie's short figure.

Stokeley stared at her with a blank face while Billie let out a small laugh "you don't always have to look so tough, you gotta loosen up" she advised but Stokeley just turned around and walked out of the room and away from her. He needed a sense of peace and quiet... and a little advice.

After awhile Stokeley found himself standing in front of Mrs. Diana's office door with his hands in his dingy, baggy, pants pockets as he contemplated knocking on the door. Stokeley grew up needing no one except his mother, he never had a sense of dependency especially because of his illness. Ever since he's been diagnosed with bipolar disorder everyone he's ever encountered has treated him like a baby bird or a wounded soldier, they've always handled him with care which gave him this tough outer shell that he keeps with everyone.

As Stokeley was about to make his decision the door opened to reveal Jahseh. Their eyes met for a split second before parting and Jahseh lightly bumped into him on his way out, but oddly enough Stokeley didn't get angry or retaliate he just simply walked into the therapists office and took a seat. As Diana was sorting papers from Jahseh's folder she looked up at Stokeley with a surprised face.

"Stokeley what are you doing here early? Your session isn't for another 2 hours?" She asked curiously and Stokeley shrugged "it wasn't really a reason, I can't come see my favorite therapist?" Stokeley asked cockily making a small chuckle leave Mrs. Diana's lips.

"I'm your only therapist but what did you come to talk about?" She asked and Stokeley's body went stiff. He didn't wanna fully admit that he actually wanted to talk to someone because of this big sense of pride but he had to realize that he was going to have to let some of that pride go on order to get better.... but Stokeley didn't want to get better. "I ain't wanna talk about nothing really" he said blatantly denying it but Diana could read it all over his face "Mr. Goulbourne—"

"It's Stokeley" He said swiftly. As Diana knew he hated being called Mr. Goulbourne, it broke their rule of informality and it made Stokeley feel much older than he was but since this was a more serious and pressing matter to Diana she wanted to call him Mr. Goulbourne. "You obviously wanted to talk and since you can't you can see your way out-"

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