Chapter 3

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Happy Halloween 🎃♥️ who y'all dressing up as?

"Hi I'm Ariel, your name is?" A jittery Ariel, asked an annoyed Jahseh. Today wasn't Jahseh's day and anything could set him off. Unfortunately Ariel was going to fall  victim to Jahseh's terrible attitude if she didn't get out of his face immediately, and all the girl did was say hi. Jahseh didn't care about that though because today was just one of those days, one of those days where you don't want to speak to anybody, you just wanna be alone.

You gave very clear hints that's you wanted to be alone but people just don't listen, this is why Jahseh despised people.

Jahseh groaned out of irritation from the girls' presence hoping, no praying, that she'd get the point but no, she stood there with the same excited smile on her face waiting for Jah's answer. After awhile, Jahseh figured she wasn't going away anytime soon until he told her his name.

"Jahseh" He mumbled making Ariel squeal with excitement. After she'd finally got the response she was yearning for, she left Jahseh finally alone where he wanted to be from the beginning. Jahseh decided that he should be in a more secluded area if he wanted peace and quiet so he decided to go to his room.

Isaiah, was at his daily visit with the hospital's therapist so Jahseh had a good hour or hour and a half to be left alone. Jahseh laid on his bed with his hands behind his head as he started up at the top of Isaiah's bunk bed in thought.

Jahseh had only been here for a month and he had nobody to talk to, yet his pride wouldn't let himself admit that the lack of human interaction was killing him slowly. Not physically killing him but mentally, everyday Jahseh tried not to interact with anyone other than nurses, doctors, and Isaiah he could feel himself grow a little more insane as the clock ticked on.

He decided to sit with the boy that reminded him of himself. Jahseh doesn't know how a stranger could remind of himself, but he felt that they had something in common. It was funny because in the month that he's been here, Jahseh had never gave anyone the time of day really but he felt bold enough to sit at a strangers lunch table. It gave Jah a sense a boldness he's always felt but somewhat amplified.

Jahseh tried to doze off to sleep when he heard the bedroom door open causing him to slur several curse words under his breath and sit up while his eyes scanned the room for who walked in. It was just one of his nurses.

"Jahseh, you have visitors" Jahseh already knew who it was so there was no point in protesting. He was always excited when he got to see his family even though his mom never had time to come here and visit, mostly because it hurt too much to see her son that way, the times she did come always brightened his day.

The nurse said visitors, as in plural, meaning that she must've brought Aiden with her and the thought of seeing his younger brother again made Jahseh's pace quicken a little as the nurse led him to the visiting room.

The nurse opened the door to reveal his mother and brother making wide smiles come across all of their faces. Jahseh embraced his mother in a hug first and after they pulled apart she kissed his cheek before moving on to Aiden. Aiden giggled as he was he was picked up and swung around in Jahseh's arms before being placed back down on the ground to go sit next to their mother at the table.

Jahseh joined his family at the table as they sat across from each other, Jah had his fingers folded and rested them on the table. Jahseh didn't know what to say to them since it had been a few weeks since they'd spoken but he didn't have to worry since his mother started the conversation anyway.

"How've you been baby?" Cleo asked making Jahseh shrug. Jahseh's mother just wanted a straight answer, sometimes she just wanted to peer into his mind to see what was going on in there.

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