Chapter 1

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1 Month Later...

It had been one month since Stokeley had committed murder and Jahseh had committed assault. After weeks of fighting with the courts about Stokeley's condition his mother's prayers were answered as he was sent to a home for the mentally insane where he's being treated.

Coincidentally, Jahseh was put in the same group home. It didn't take much of a fight on his end, considering he didn't commit murder, but he damn near did and in the justice system, it was all the same. Jahseh's mother just wanted the best for him so she basically forced the judge to put him in that group home where his condition would be under control.

That he would be at least a little sane.

Currently Jahseh laid in bed staring at the ceiling as he listened to his annoying roommate, Isaiah, ramble on about something. Jahseh truly wasn't listening.

"And then— Jah? Are you listening?" Isaiah questioned causing Jahseh to groan and sit up on the bunk bed. Jah slept on the bottom while Isaiah slept at the top where he constantly talked Jahseh's ears off and Jah got sick of it everyday.

Isaiah was a character for sure. He always had some insane story to tell Jahseh every morning and at first Jah was intrigued by how much murder someone could commit at such a young age, but after awhile he became numb to it.

Like some bedtime story that's been told for ages.

Jahseh got up from the bed and looked up at his bunk mate before speaking "to be honest with you zay, I don't really give a fuck" Jahseh said nonchalantly making Isaiah a little upset that he wasn't being listened to.

Before the boys had a chance to argue their nurse came interrupting. She came in with a tray in her hands with two different pill cups and water cups. Each of the items had their names on it so there wasn't any confusion. She sat the tray on the nightstand the boys' shared while giving them a polite smile.

Jahseh was tired of everybody being so damn happy and skippy all the time. Why can't nobody get angry or sad or something, anything than everybody smiling.

"Good afternoon boys your medicines here and my apologies if I interrupted" Gale said before leaving out. Isaiah smirked at Jahseh before hopping off the top bunk before saying something else.

"Count your fucking days Onfroy"

"Fuck you island" Jahseh said making sure he purposely said his name wrong before Isaiah angrily slammed the door. Jahseh continued to mind his business and ended up falling asleep, not thinking twice about the boys' words because they didn't put an ounce of fear in his body so what was the need to worry.


Meanwhile Stokeley was sitting in the living room type area, watching Freddy vs Jason. It was about to get to the best part of the movie until suddenly the screen turned off and instant confusion swept his face. He didn't touch the remote because it sat on the coffee table.

Stokeley poked his tongue in his cheek before looking to his right where a girl sat. She was light skin and very pretty but he knew her condition all too well, she was the most annoying girl around this hell hole to him and that was saying something because Stokeley rarely got annoyed.

Everyday she spoke to him he contemplated a new way to kill her because he was so damn sick of her.

Her name was Ariel. She was 19 years old, and she had beautiful, brown, curly hair but it never got shown off because it was in a messy bun all the time. She had been diagnosed with severe anxiety, she was always on edge all the time and couldn't function in life without it being under control.

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