Chapter 12 - It's Over, Isn't It?

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Darkness. Nothing but darkness.


Cold. Very cold.


Your limbs were numb and heavy as rock. The battle replayed in your mind on a loop. You defeated every single Guardian while the battle against the Calamity raged inside the Sanctum. Unfortunately, a Gold Lynel caught you with your guard down. The piercing blade felt like fire, but only for a moment before everything disappeared before you.

Now, you floated cold and alone in a void with no end in sight.

"[Y/n]... [Y/n]... open your eyes..."

No... you thought. Please let me rest. Haven't I done enough?

"[Y/n]... it's time for you to wake up."

Your body was slowly warming, though you were surprised to feel that the aches and pains were gone. You forced your eyes open. Before you stood a beautiful and familiar Gerudo woman. "Telma? Where am I?"

The lady laughed. "No, no. I apologize. I took this form since I thought it would be a bit more... comfortable for you."

You screwed your face tight in concentration, trying to beat back a growing migraine. "Who are you? Am I dead?"

"You've done splendidly, my champion. In fact, I would say you are the best champion I've ever had."

Suddenly it clicked. "Are you the Goddess Din?"

She smiled with pride. "How perceptive of you, my champion. Come now, we don't have much time." She helped you to your feet. "Why don't we talk a quick walk?"

She led you through the mists and darkness to a tunnel filled with light. You noticed a soft teal glow followed you, flames gently caressing your bare feet. In fact, your clothes had disappeared completely, leaving you instead in a simple loose white tunic that reminded you of your sister's prayer dress. Stepping though, you found yourself on Hyrule Castle's tallest tower, just above the Sanctum. The sky was filled with dark violent clouds. Ganon's Blight had come together in a single form: a terrible boar-like beast. But, before you could even express your fears, you saw Link leap from horseback and fire the Bow of Light at the beast. The beast howled and reformed into the storm-like being that once surrounded Hyrule Castle, but a new burst of light came forth and sealed the being away for another ten thousand years.

"Impressive, even when the odds were against Hyrule ever rising again, Ganon lies defeated," Din commented. The miasma cleared, and sunlight streamed down. You looked around the castle grounds, seeing darkness leave the possessed Guardians, and the Blight leave the land. It would be some time before a century of pollution would be reversed, but the land could finally heal.

"They have a lot of rebuilding to do."

Din seemed to give you a strange look. "I suppose they do, but I don't think you understand the gravity of what's been done. You don't seem surprised at all."

"Of course not," you almost laughed. "You don't know Link like I do. I always knew he could do it. It was only a matter of time, and I couldn't be prouder of him."

Din seemed to like that answer. "But you don't sound all that happy about it?"

"Of course, I'm happy," you said more to convince yourself than the goddess. "He succeeded. It's just... just..." You felt the tears start to fall. "I'll never see him again."

Prince of the Wild [Link x Male!Reader]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat