Chapter 2

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Thank you so much for the bunch of reviews and follows! It really inspired us to spice it up a little for you guys! So, without further ado, here is chapter 2. Chapter 3 will be, in one word: SMEXY. 😉 So, look forward to that. Send us your criticism and ideas to make this story even better. — Team KokoTwo

Hiro was frantic, turning and looking all throughout the Club. Where had Goro gone? His VantaBlue eyes kept scanning all the faces of the drunk men, until—

there! Goro was seated at the bar, drinking another beer. In fact, there were Several tall glasses and bottles on the chipped countertop around him, all empty. he seemed to be unsteady in his stool, about to fall over.

But...he was also laughing and smiling more than he had the whole night. Ah yes, Hiro thought, Goro was a Good Christian Boy after all. More of a Good Christian Boy than even Hiro was. Goro was a saint, actually. of course he would enjoy spending time at the bar rather than ogle the strippers.

Also, it looked like Goro was happily chatting with the bartender, who had short VantaBlue hair and pee green eyes. She was also very short. Was she even old enough to work in a strip club? Was she old enough to even have a job?

"Goro!" Yelled Hiro, running toward him while dragging Zorome with him. He was holding Zorome by his ruined shirt, sort of choking his neck. At least this way Zorome would stop running his mouth and instead could focus on trying not to die from asphyxiation.

Goro was too drunk to properly respond, and instead slurred his words. The bartender giggled.

"We're leaving now" said Hiro firmly, helping Goro up with his other hand.

As soon as he turned to walk toward the door and took a few steps, he heard a sultry voice behind him.

"—where are you going?"

Hiro froze in his skeleton that jittered against his blood vessels and meat from how startled he was. W-Who was that...? It sounded like a woman's voice.

When he turned around, Hiro's eyes bulged and he had to hold back all the water he downed from wasting away in his pants right then and there. I-I-It was the Virgin Killer!

"H-Huh?" Hiro stammered.

His turquease eyes did the shameful, un-Christian (sinful-like) thing by lowering themselves and seeing the stripper's large Bosom and perfect, baby-making Hips.

"Gulp!" Hiro swallowed and quickly averted his eyes in embrassment.

The Verizon Killer smirked slyly and took a step closer, sticking her hip out sexily as she did like she was trying to seduce him.

"I said.. where are you going, Darling~?"


"Umm! I think you have the wrong person!" Hiro quickly tried to explain himself.

The Virgin Killer only giggled.. kinda Cutely? Yet so sexily at the same time that it made Hiro's face heat up like an Easy Bake Oven.

'H-Holy shit.'

"I know who I'm speaking to, Darling~." Zero Two wrapped her arms around Hiro like a Bao constrictor snake.

"I saw you lookin' at me extra hard today. you know.. You caught my attention the most out of those fodders."

"..Fodders..?" hiro asked.

"Mm. stupid, boring men. hey, wanna come to the back room with me? I can give you a little..." The Virgin Killer leaned in, pressing her beautiful Bosom against his flat and wimpy chest.

she whispered, "private show."

"R U SHITTING ME?!" zorome exclaimed and pushed hiro to the ground, causing him to clash with the greasy and beer covered floor. As soon as Hiro met the floor, he could feel his head spinning.

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