Dear Reader - An Introduction

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Dear Reader,

There is a story behind this book. It is a love story between an artist and a writer, who are both too creative for their own good.

My wonderful partner is an artist in his spare time. He has just completed the Inktober 2018 challenge and I'm so proud of him for not giving up and seeing the challenge through to the very end.

Some of you may be aware that artists, just like writers, suffer from the dreaded "block". At the end of September, my partner endured a particularly bad afternoon where no ideas or inspiration were coming to him. He eventually mangaged to create something, but it gave me an idea. I wrote up a list of random words and prompts spanning two pages and gave it to him the next day. I told him the list was to help spark ideas if he ever felt that way again.

A few days ago, I asked him if the list was helping at all, as I'd seen him carrying it around in his sketchbook. He confirmed it was and said that some of the words of the list has aided in coming up with some Inktober pieces.

And that's when I got an idea. An intriguing, curious and exciting idea. Now I just had to see if he was willing.

I asked him if he would write me thirty prompts. During November, I would follow the list and write a poem each day based off of the word he'd picked. He was more than willing, in fact he immediately wondered how challenging he could make it.

And so, on the 30th October 2018, he presented me with his list.

Thus today, my journey begins and I hope you'll join me through the weird and wonderful world of November Incandescence.

Yours Sincerely,

Charlotte Townsend

A.K.A WinterMidnight44

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