chapter 1

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   "Good morning honey, did you sleep well?" Mom asked me as I walked up to the kitchen table and sat down. "Good morning and yes ma'am" I replied as I ate my cereal of course I was lying though, I rarely ever sleep anymore. Even though it was the first week of school I still haven't been able to sleep. If my mom had found that out she would probably kill me anyway. As I walk out the door my mom yells "don't forget your lunch or medicine sweetie I don't want anything happening to you" she said with such a caring voice so I walk back in and grab them both.

   I step up onto the bus and take my normal seat and plug in my head phones to my iphone and start playing my music trying to ignore the rest of the world. Then to my surprise she walks onto the bus. Isabella snow the girl iv had a crush on since 6th grade when I first met her. I fell in love instantly when I seen her that day with her beautiful blonde hair and stunning blue eyes she was wearing a band t-shirt which just happened to be my favorite band at the time. however I was far to shy to even think about talking to her. Then suddenly I was pulled out of my day dream and back to reality when I look up and seen that she had actually tapped me on the shoulder and she was saying something but I still hadn't came completely back to myself. Then she asked "well are you going to let me sit with you or not". So I silently nodded and moved my bag to between my legs and she sat down. I sat there dumb founded by how this had happened. Then she looked at me then at my hands and said what's the medicine bottle for. Stupidly I looked down silent for a moment then realized I was still holding it in my hand so I crammed it into my bag and said "I have to take them periodically throughout the day". She looked confused for a second then said "oh sorry". We sat there for a while silently then I got the guts to finally speak "so why are you riding this bus today did you stay at a friends house?" she said "no, I moved in to a new house it's like two houses down from yours I seen you when you got on".

   "oh sorry I don't go out much so I didn't notice you moving in."--me

   "hey its okay well we're at school so come on you wanna get some breakfast with me?"--her

   "yea sure I don't really have any friends I hang out with so normally I just go straight to class"--me

   "well you can hang out with me trust me I'm not a total jerk like some of the people I talk to" she said while smiling at me and pulling me along by my hand.

   I was so surprised normally no one talks to me let alone says I can hang out with them. I am starting to think this year might not be as bad as long as I manage to stay away from them. Who knows mabye if I stay around Isabella they won't try to bully as much.


   So that's my starter chapter hope you guys like it comment share and I hope you all enjoyed :3 if this does good enough I'll upload another chapter.

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