"Look at me." The figure said, not threateningly but with a tone that implied that he was not joking around.

"Why should I? I already know what I'll see." Ree kept her nonchalant tone. 

"Do you?" A hissing noise could be heard as the figure spoke and Ree sighed meantally. 

"Yes," Ree said and looked up at Kylo Ren's bare face, trying to sound unbothered. He didn't seem mad but he wasn't happy. If Ree tried to describe his facial expression, she would weirdly enough say that he looked concerned.

"Then tell me. Why weren't you at training?" He talked with a calm tone.

"I just didn't feel like it," The technician brushed the back of her neck.

"You're lying. You always brush your neck when you're lying." Ree quickly retorted her hand.

"No I don't." Ree hopelessly lied again but Kylo didn't fall for it.

"You do. Now tell me. Why didn't you come to training?" Kylo was losing his patience but he still remained calm and only made his tone even more serious.

"Why should I? It won't change anything!" Ree, on the other hand, was not as collected as she rose up from her chair.

"Because I care about you!" Kylo blurted out and surprised not just Ree but also himself. Ree suddenly changed her stance, from aggressive with her arms raised to one shyer with her arms close to her body. She lowered her gaze to the floor.

"You.. do?" Ree raised her gaze to Kylo's dark brown eyes, feeling much smaller of all of a sudden.

"Yes, I do," he assured and furrowed his black brows. Showing this much caring was unusual for the Master of the Knights of Ren, he didn't know how to act. A silince emerged as Ree looked for the next thing to say. "you've been gone for weeks. With no communication."

"Well, if you have to know. I had some things to think about!" Ree threw her arms up in defeat.

"You can tell me. I've also been to Ilum. I know what you've been through." Kylo explained but this only made Ree sigh louder.

"You have no idea what I went through! I nearly died waiting for that damn shuttle!" Ree raised her voice but Kylo surprisingly remained calm.

"So, you're scared? Is that what you're thinking about? Death?"

"No! It's not about death." The technician pinched the bridge of her nose, "it's what happened right before." Kylo had a confused face.

"I don't understand. What happened?" The woman in front of him kept looking around the room and shifting her weight making him only want to lean in more.

"I-I can't tell you. You wouldn't understand." One last time Ree contemplated if she should continue, after this, it was no going back, "you'd have to see it. Experience it." Kylo knew exactly what Ree meant, he swallowed a big lump of nervousness. Render her pain was the last thing Kylo wanted to do.

"Are you sure?" Kylo looked worringly into Ree's ice blue eyes that were filled with determination.

"It's the only way you can truly understand." Kylo nodded nervously and slowly extended out his right arm. Ree knew what was about to come next. She had done this to countless stormtroopers, trying to improve her technique but only once had she used it to gain important information. After her first mission, she used it on that resistance guy. Ree can still hear his screams and pleads to stop in her nightmares. And now, it was her turn.

Kylo slowly started using his ability, wanting to take it slow so she would get used to it. It started with a small nagging in the back of Ree's head. Then it grew, from a painful spot to a headache and then to a full fledged migrane that wanted to split Ree's brain in two. Kylo tried to shut out Ree's scream so he could focus on her memories.

Though there was no more tech room. Instead, Kylo stood on the snowy plains of Ilum. The wind was hitting his face and the cold crept through his layers of clothes and grazed his skin. His energy drained quickly and he could feel himself falling to his kness. One after one, the vital organs shut off and the blood in his veins stopped flowing. Then his back hit the ground, his eyes shut tight and his dying wish came to mind. No, it was Ree's dying wish, Kylo reminded himself. Then he witnessed it,  Ree's last moments had been about him, how she had wished that day in the training that she had brought Kylo down to her and kissed him.

As Kylo left Ree's mind a gasp escaped Ree. She breathed heavily as the practically tortue was over. Kylo's right arm fell limp at his side and his lips partially parted. While Kylo was proccessing what he had just seen Ree fixed her gaze on the floor. Her hair was hanging in her face but she didn't care, she was too exposed to not cower. Kylo's lips moved but he couldn't form a sentance. 

"Whatever! This was stupid!" Ree tried to storm out of the room though she didn't get far as Kylo grabbed her wrist. "Let me go!" Ree tried janking her arm but he didn't budge. Instead, he turned her around so they stood face to face. "Do you have to make me a bigger fool of myself?!" Ree spat but Kylo remained calm and kept a steady grip on her wrist as she tried to twist out of it. 

What was just seconds felt like an eternity. Those few fateful seconds where Kylo pondered what to do next, what he should do and what he wanted to do. The rational part of him told him to let her go and just let it be a childish girl's dream. His senseless side told him to do otherwise. Luckily for Ree, Kylo chose to listen to his lust.

Kylo pressed his lips against Ree's. At first, Ree had just stood there in complete shock and for a second Kylo was afraid that Ree actually didn't want this. But all of his doubts went out the window as Ree hungrily answered the kiss. As the two started kissing each other with the uttermost desire and need, none of them could have known that those few seconds where Kylo pondered what to do had decided the fate of the universe.

 As the two started kissing each other with the uttermost desire and need, none of them could have known that those few seconds where Kylo pondered what to do had decided the fate of the universe

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