Part Of Your World

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Pieces of Haggar's tentacles fell down that didn't dissolve into the sea foam and landed on the ocean floor. With Haggar gone, all of the polyps in her garden had turned back into merfolk. They swam out of her lair and back to Altea to find their families.

The trident landed beside Shiro and he turned back into a merman. He gave Slav a smile as the two headed to the surface. Shiro, somehow knowing, that Keith would be there.


Keith sat on a rock as he watched Lance turn over, unconscious from his exhaustion. The sea was calm, the storm had gone and a sunrise was setting the mood.

Unknown to Keith, his father, Slav, Hunk and Pidge, and Matt were in the water a few feet away from him. Shiro watched Keith as his son watched the unconscious prince in concern. Slav glanced up at the king as Shiro spoke softly.

"He really does love him, doesn't he, Slav?" Slav smiled.

"Well, it's like I always say, Your Majesty. Children got to be free to lead their own lives," Shiro turned to Slav with a look and a smile.

"You - always say that?" Slav gave a nervous chuckle while Hunk and Pidge rolled their eyes. Shiro sighed and turned back to Keith "then I guess there's just one problem left," the group turned to the king.

"And what's that, Your Majesty?" Pidge asked from Shiro's left side.

"How much I'm going to miss him," the group's eyes widened as Shiro placed his trident down into the water and the trident glowed. Magic flowed through the water and towards the rock where Keith was staring at Lance.

Keith felt tingling in his tail and glanced down, his tail was glowing from the magic and he glanced up with a smile to his father and friends. The group watched as Keith dove into the water and swam towards the beach.

"Now we can walk!

Now we can run!

Now we can stay all day in the sun! "

Lance had started to wake up and sat up rubbing his head. His eyes widened as he heard familiar singing and as he saw Keith rising out of the water, dressed in a pair of white pants and a light red blouse. Better than that, he had legs! Lance stood up and without warning ran towards the prince and spun him around in his arms. Water splashing up at the action. Keith smiled as Lance placed him down.

"I thought I'd never see your mullet again" Lance teased. Keith rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around Lance's neck.

"Shut up and kiss me."

Lance did just that.


"I now pronounce you husband and husband," the priest said as the couple shared a kiss and the crowd cheered. Blue jumped up between them and the couple laughed as Blue licked their cheeks.

Colleen wiped her eyes with a handkerchief as she and Coran watched on from the sidelines. Lance and Keith then walked down the aisle and towards the side where the merfolk were watching and waving. Keith smiled and waved to his sisters who sent smiles and waves his way. Hunk and Pidge climbed up the side and sat on the railing while Matt in his seagull form landed between them, Slav climbed off him and landed on the railing as well.

Keith gave Pidge a hug and then was drawn into a hug as Hunk pulled him lose with tears in his eyes. Keith then ruffled Matt's hair and patted Slav's head gently.

"Thank you for everything you guys," Keith whispered, Hunk smiled.

"What are friends for?" Hunk and Pidge then gave Lance a wave and jumped back into the water. Slav then climbed back onto Matt and the seagull lowered him back into the water.

Shiro handed Allura his trident and used his magic to lift himself up to the ship. Shiro stared at Keith and felt his eyes tear up, his son was all grown up now. Keith then drew his father into a hug and blinked back tears.

"I love you Daddy" Keith whispered softly as Shiro pulled back and ruffled his hair like he used to when he was a child.

Shiro smiled and glanced to the future behind Keith. Keith followed his gaze and smiled seeing Lance. The prince was in awe, but he never forgot his manners. Lance bowed and the sea king smiled and bowed his head.

Shiro then lowered himself back into the ocean and Allura handed him his trident again. Lance locked his arm with Keith's and the two waved as the ship started to head back to the kingdom. Shiro waved his trident and over the ship was a large rainbow. The merfolk began to head back down to Altea to celebrate in their own way.

" Now we can walk!

Now we can run!

Now we can stay all day in the sun! "

Keith sang as he turned to Lance, who sang back to the smiling prince.

" Just you and me! "

Keith smiled and connected their hands, their golden wedding rings matching on their fingers.

" And I can be "

The two sang the final line of the song and shared a final kiss as their new life began.

" Part of Your World! "


Author's Note: Want to see the outfits in this AU? Check out my DeviantArt account under the name animelover8224. The outfits will be under the folder titled Klance Little Mermaid AU in my gallery.

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