Let's Crash A Wedding

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In the evening it had gotten cold. Lance had changed into black pants, a white shirt with blue sleeves, brown boots, a red belt around his waist, and a black cape. In his hands was his flute, though he knew he had fallen for Keith, he couldn't help but think of the boy who saved him. He still couldn't get the voice out of his head, which was evident when Lance was playing the tune again.

As Lance finished, Coran walked up beside him, Lance turned and gave the man a smile.

"Lance if I may say, far better than any dream boy, is one of flesh and blood," Coran's eyes glanced up towards Keith's room and smiled. "One warm and caring, and right before your eyes," with his words spoken, Coran walked off leaving the prince alone.

Lance glanced up towards Keith's room and saw the boy he almost kissed in the lagoon. Keith was in his pajamas and combing his hair once more with the fork. Keith had been staring out at the stars, but turned around and headed to bed as he finished combing his hair. Lance smiled and then sighed. He gripped his flute and made an important decision. He decided that he was indeed going to forget the dream boy and follow his feelings for Keith.

Lance swung his arm back and then swung it forwards. The flute whistling as it flew towards the ocean. Lance glanced up towards Keith's windows and seeing the light still on, headed towards the door that led to that section of the palace. However, as he turned Lance's ears picked up a familiar tune.

He froze in step and turned back to the beach. The singing so familiar. As Lance heard more, he recognized the singing as the same song that the boy who saved him sang, and the same voice to. Lane headed to the edge of the balcony and glanced over seeing a man with a purple cape in the darkness. A seashell around his neck as he sang, Lance soon became lost in the song and soon fell prisoner to the spell.

His blue eyes glowed yellow as the spell traveled up into his eyes, his pupils glowing a soft golden. The prince was now under Haggar's control.


The next morning, Matt was flying towards Keith's room. Luckily the prince's balcony doors were open and allowed Matt to fly in.

"Keith! Keith, wake up!" Matt yelled as he woke up the sleeping prince and the crab next to Keith on the pillow. "Wake up! I just heard the news," Keith rubbed his eyes and sat up, Matt grabbed his hand and shook it. "Congratulations, kiddo, we did it!" Matt yelled as Slav woke up with the yelling.

"What is this idiot babbling about?" Matt smiled.

"Right - as if you two didn't know, uh? The whole town's buzzing about the prince getting himself hitched this afternoon!" Keith and Slav stared at Matt in confusion, not understanding the term. "You know, he's getting married!" Keith's eyes widened and a smile grew on his face. "I just wanted to wish you luck. I'll catch you later, I wouldn't miss it!" Matt yelled as he flew out of the room and back to find Hunk and Pidge.

Keith quickly jumped out of bed and ran his fingers through his hair. Without another thought, the prince ran out of the room and down the hallway, Slav following with a groan. Though he was just as excited as Keith. Okay, maybe not that much.

Keith ran down the stairs, trying not to trip over his pajama pants.

"Well, uh - err, Lance. I-it appears that I was mistaken," Keith heard Coran say as he almost started down the second set of stairs. Keith quickly hid behind a pillar on the stairs and watched. "This mystery boy of yours does - in fact, exist," Keith shook his head as he saw a man beside Lance.

The man had lightly tanned skin and brown hair that fell to his shoulders. He was dressed in a pair of black pants, a purple shirt, a grey vest with the sleeves rolled to his elbows and brown boots. From what Keith could see, the man's eyes were yellow. The man's right hand was on Lance's chest and the other arm was wrapped around Lance's waist. Lance was dressed in his prince get up, something that was unusual for him.

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