One Dance In Your World

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The storm had died down finally. Keith had pulled Lance to the beach and laid the unconscious prince down on the sand. Lance's boots had been pulled off and his black pants were ripped to below his ankles. His hair was drenched and his bangs covered his eyes slightly. Keith laid beside Lance as he watched in concern, the prince had yet to stir awake.

Keith turned as Matt flew down in his seagull form and landed beside the two.

"Is he - dead?" Keith asked hesitantly towards Matt, as Matt pulled open one of the prince's eyes.

"It's hard to say," Matt said as he walked towards Lance's feet. Matt picked up one of Lance's feet and held it to his ear, he shook his head sadly. "Oh, I - I can't make out a heartbeat," Keith turned back to the prince as he started breathing.

"No, look! He's breathing" Keith said as he brushed the bangs out of Lance's face to reveal the closed eyes. "He's so, beautiful.".

"What would I give to live where you are?

What would I pay to stay here beside you?

What would I do to see you smiling at me? "

Pidge and Hunk pulled themselves onto the beach, their tails in the water. Slav washed up between the two and Matt flew back to give the prince privacy with the human. He changed into his mermaid form, his greenish brown tail with dark gold fins, sat in the water.

Slav glanced up and his mouth dropped as he caught sight of Keith with the unconscious human prince. A million thought ran through his head. The trio around his smiled and pushed his mouth back up as the stared at the sight.

"Where would we walk?

Where would we run? "

As Keith continued to sing, the clouds parted and a ray of sun shone down on the two. Keith placed his hand on Lance's cheek and ran his thumb over the soft skin. At this point, Lance started to wake up.

"If we could stay all day in the sun?

Just you and me

And I could be part of your world "

Lance caught sight of the male in front of him, but only slightly as he was still just waking up. The sun behind Keith shadowed most of Keith's face, Lance did, however, fully catch the soft voice that was singing to him.

"Lance!" Keith jumped as the sound of a dog barking approached. Keith pulled his hand back and followed his friends back into the water. Blue ran up to her master and licked his face, Lance drew back and wiped the dog slobber off his face. Blue turned to the water and caught sight of a red tail with light red fins disappearing into the ocean.

Blue headed into the water as Coran helped Lance up. His black pants were ripped to the knees, his shoes and socks were lost, and his jacket was lost as well, leaving the blouse exposed.

"Oh, Lance. You really delight in these sadistic strains on my blood pressure, don't you?" Lance tuned out what Coran was saying, it was as if he was lost in a trance. Blue continued barking at the spot where she saw the tail as Lance walked around trying to make sense of what he saw.

"A boy - rescued me. . . . he was - singing . . . he had the most - beautiful voice," Lance almost toppled over but Coran quickly caught him and pulled the prince's arm over his shoulder.

"Ah, Lance, I think you've swallowed a bit too much seawater. Off we go. Come on, Blue!" Coran called as they left the beach. Blue had drenched herself trying to find the tail but at hearing Coran and seeing them leaving, she abandoned her mission and ran after them. The salt water dripping from her fur.

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