One Dance In Your World

Start from the beginning

Keith, Hunk, Pidge, Matt, and Slav watched as the humans and the dog left the beach. Keith was slowly crawling up the rock to watch the prince.

"We just gotta forget this whole thing ever happened. The sea king will never know" Slav turned to the group "you won't tell him, I won't tell him. I will stay in one piece".

Keith, however, had tuned them out and pulled himself more up the rock.

"I don't know when

I don't know how

But I know something's starting right now

Watch and you'll see

Someday I'll be part of your world "

Keith pulled himself up and the waves crashed behind him. The waves spraying him lightly with salt water. The others flinched as the wave hit them off the rock. Keith lowered himself back down as Blue turned back around and started barking.

The group then sat back on the rock as the humans left and Blue finally left with them. Unknown to the trio, Sendak and Ladnock were watching, their eyes projecting back to Haggar.


"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no," Haggar laughed as she watched the image of the prince. "I can't stand it - it's too easy. The child is in love with a human. And not just any human - a prince! His daddy'll love that," Haggar said as a plan formed in her head.

"King Shiro's headstrong, lovesick son would make a charming addition to my little garden," Haggar said as she glanced to where former merfolk were now in the form of polyps. The polyps shrunk back as she approached.


The next morning, Keith's sisters were all sitting in the dressing room, getting ready for the day.

"Keith dear, time to come out!" Shay called out as she looked towards their shared bedroom. "You've been in there all morning," Keith swam out of his room, humming along to the song he sang to Lance the day before. His sisters gave him a strange look as he quickly combed through his hair.

"What is with him lately?" Allura asked. Keith had been acting this way since he came home yesterday afternoon. Her sisters shrugged in response. Keith pulled one of the flowers from the pots and sniffed it gently.

Keith went to leave the room and almost ran into his father, which neither he nor his sisters heard or saw come in.

"Morning father," Keith said handing the flower to Shiro who stared at his son. Keith then swam off still humming to the song. Shiro and his daughters stared at Keith as Pidge and Hunk joined him at the end of the hall.

"Oh, he's got it bad," Allura said connecting the dots, Shiro turned to his oldest in confusion.

"What? What has he got?" Shay smiled towards her father.

"Isn't it obvious, Daddy? Keith's in love" Shiro's eyes widened as he stared at the flower Keith had handed him.

"Keith? In love?"


Meanwhile, Slav had followed the trio out of the palace and to a rock where Keith was picking petals off a flower. Hunk and Pidge sat on the edge of the rock and watched their love struck friend with amusement. Slav meanwhile was pacing back and forth under the raised part of the rock, the petals Keith was picking falling down in front of him.

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