Phantom Love: Chapter 1

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[Nico's P.O.V.]  

   I looked into his lively green eyes and they seemed to gaze right into my soul. What is this feeling? We only just met but it seems like he's known me forever.

     He looked away and I followed his gaze. Some stupid little kid was playing in the middle of the street. She better move before--

     As he rushed toward her I shivered. I couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was about to happen. He shooed her along and then looked back at me with an idiotic smile on his face. For some reason, I blushed and looked away, but when I looked back, he was gone.

     I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was staring back at myself on the sidewalk and I was in the middle of the street unable to move. By now, I knew exactly what was about to happen. I looked down at myself and saw nothing but blood.

     My second self ran to me. Tears were in eyes as I screamed down to myself. The second me clutched my almost lifeless body as darkness overtook my sight. I felt my lips move but I knew it wasn't really "me" talking. I wonder what I said......


     When I woke up, I was covered in sweat. I glanced at the clock and sighed.

     7:21, right on time. I got out bed and walked into the bathroom to puke. It was the same routine everyday: Have that dream, wake up feeling like diarrhea, puke, go to school, fake being happy, come home, feel like dried, stepped-in diarrhea, and go to bed only to repeat the cycle. This exact cycle has been going on for what seems like forever.

     Funny, since that day feels like only yesterday. Funnier, since that day was actually just a week ago.

     Now dressed, I rolled up my sleeves and headed downstairs. In the kitchen, I opened the fridge and noted to myself to pick up another gallon of milk on the way home. Mom abandoned my father and I not too long after I was born. My father is a busy man so that leaves me to take care of the house and errands. I grabbed a box of Raisin Bran Crunch and continued on with breakfast.

     I've never been a breakfast person, but dealing with people at school has started to severely drain me of energy.

     After cleaning up my mess, I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door. I just stood there, thinking there was something missing. I looked down and realized my sleeves were still rolled. I quickly pushed them down before an unsuspecting passerby happened to get a glimpse of the results of my guilty pleasure. And yes, I do mean cutting myself.

   I locked the door and walked to my car. On the way to school, I thought back to the first time I'd cut myself. It was my first year of junior high and the pursuit of popularity was on high for everyone. One day in science, I was cut when I accidently crushed a glass test tube in my hand. I was angry, about what I don't remember, and forgot it was in my hand. I don't know why, but the pain felt so good.

     Really good. Almost orgasmic. Not that I would know what that would feel like. It's odd for a junior in high school to be a virgin nowadays, but I'd hate to have to explain why I need where a shirt every time I did it.

     I sat there as everyone scrambled around trying to clean up the blood and stop the bleeding. I didn't want it to stop. It felt like the pain was slowly leaking away along with the blood.

     "Nico! Hello! Anyone home?" a familiar voice called out. It was Heather, my girlfriend.

     "Sorry, I was just thinking about the game this weekend." I got out of the car and mentally cringed as she captured my arm. I swear she could choke out a bear with the strength she strangled my arm with.

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