Pain / Yelling

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Edd P.O.V

~~ night time~~

 " d-dad p-please s-stop" I said as he hit me in the face 

" I'll stop hitting you when ~hick up~ your mom comes ~hick up~ home " as he hit me again as I fell to the floor, I tried to crawl away so I won't get hit again 

" D-dad s-she's n-not c-c-coming b-back, m-mom died " I stuttered as crawl to the couch so I can stand up on my to feet, then my dad grabbed my neck and pushed me on the couch 


"-I d-didn't killer d-dad" as I gasped for air after 1 minute of him trying to choke me I finally got my leg free and kicked him in the lower half of is the body, as he let go I took these opportunity to run out the house

 ~time skip at the school~ 

" I can't do it anymore I need a break" I said as I walked into the school, as I was walking to the schools swim club , then out of know where I heard a voice coming from a classroom at first I didn't care because I thought It was a teacher so I started to walk a little fast so the teachers would know it was me just going to my club room but then I heard footstep get loud and it didn't sound like any of the teachers so I started to run to my club room. When I got to the club room I closed the door quietly, after 20 minutes of hearing nothing I stop panicking  I took clothes off and I put on my bodysuit on and took a swim " I needed this " I thought to myself

Kevin P.O.V

" you guys are so stupid," Sarah said 

" so what, if we don't go get that cheat texts where all going to fell and then me and Kevin is going to get a kick of the football," Rolf said 

" he's right, we'll be in and out before anyone sees us, ok," I said as I grabbed Sarah by the hips then grabbed her ass as Sarah bit her lip 

" ok, ok in and out like you said Kevin," Sarah said, not ever two seconds we all heard running 

" Rolf you take Sarah out of here I'll go see how saw us, ok, " I said as I went looking but I didn't see anyone I look around for about 20-30 minutes and after that, I texted Rolf and said "I didn't see anyone" then I walked home. As I was walking to my moms house I saw Edd running home but he didn't go through his front door he climbed up to his window " weird " I thought to myself, at first I didn't care but then I saw a little stuff flying out f the window, all I could do was watch and all a heard was yelling from his dad but I couldn't hear what he was saying then ......

Edd P.O.V

After I swim a few laps I went to the club locker room and took a shower to clean the chlorine off skin and put on some extra clothes I have in my locker after that I run to my house and climbed through the window because I knew that dad locket the front door. When I got into my room my dad comes in my room and started to yelled and throw the thing at me again "STUPID SON OF MINE" "USELESS" "KILLER" "SELFISH" "PARASITE" is all he keeps on saying. It hurts so much 

" he right, I kill my mom I'm useless" I was brought down to my knees crying "P-please s-stop" I said as I cried on the floor in a ball 

" whatever, go clean yourself you look disgusting" he said as he walked out of my room and slammed the door behind him, after he left I went to my window to get some air as I looked down and see Kevin then I rubbed my eyes to make sure it really and Kevin then when I open my eye he was gone 

" Maybe I just want him to help me. All I want is to be loved by someone I love, is that so bad? Maybe it is" I thought to myself

Kevin P.O.V

" Was he crying, is he ok, maybe him and his parents got in a fight" I thought to myself as I walked into my moms house 

"You're late, where have you been," my mom said as I walked past her 

" I was out with some friend, you have a problem with that," I said with an annoyed voice 

" yes I do, we made a deal, if your grades are B's you can live your own but then the school called me and be surprised you got all D's and F's. Kevin Romeo Barr if you don't get your grades up in 6 months I'm going to take everything you have" my mom said as she tapped she foot

 " how I'm I going to get all my grades up to B's in 6 months that's impossible" I yelled a bit 

" is that my fault ~sigh~ OH how about you ask Edward, he has all A's, " she said with a smile 

" you can't be serious, Edd .. out of all people you had to say Edd" I yelled 

" what's wrong with Edward, his a nice, sweet, kind kid, who likes you" It shocks me a bit 

" he likes me ?" I asked 

" yeah, on Fridays when you leave he comes to help clean, cook, shop and some time he gives me money so I can pay the bills. Did you know that he has more then three jobs. It so cute" she said with a happy voice 

"when did this start happing "I asked "I think in 3 grade at first it was just coins, then when he got to 7 grade I needed 250 dollars because of bill and out of know where he gives me the money we needed to stay in the house, I told him no but he said please I want to help you and your son to stay, I don't want you to leave me, sometimes I wish I can help him " she said in a sad voice 

"he help us even though I put him in the hospital so many time, why?" I thought to my self 

"whatever ask him already," I said as I walked up the stairs to get my room when I was in my room I walked to my bed and laded down "Why? He helps so much even though I hurt him, not only me the all hole football team, why help them me why" I thought to myself, I got up and walk to the bathroom and took a shower and when I heard a yell and bang at the front door

It hurts to fight but I'll fight for you Where stories live. Discover now