Hurt ?

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Edd P.O.V

~ Time skip the end of 4 class~

" so double dork is my homework" Billy said

 " I'm sorry Billy I didn't do it " I said 

" oh that's ok" Brick said sarcastically 

"really !!" I happily said 

" no you dork" Boomer and Jack said. Jack grabbed me by my sweater and kicked me in my stomach after that I get kick from Brick and boomer punched me in the faces then I fell to the ground then Billy squatted down faces to faces then said

 " your lucky we don't tell Kevin that you like him, your so disgusting, you known that he's never love someone like you, you fag, your going to be lonely forever" Billy said, I feel like I want to die, after getting beat up "again" they all stop and walked away but before that they said "do are homework next time and maybe we wont hurt you" then they walked off " I need to be more careful "

Kevin P.O.V

I was walking around the school trying to get to my next class because the hallways was filled to the rim with kids, then I saw dork on the floor at first I didn't care but then he looked up at me then looked at the floor as fast as he could but before he looked down I saw bruises on his face "wow dork are you ok ?" I asked, as I went down to the floor on one of my knees to see his face once more but he looked away from me

" oh I'm fine K-Kevin please don't worry..... Its my fault anyways" dork said, looking at the floor 

" are you sure? I can take you to the nurses really fast" I suggested as I put my hand out for the dork 

" oh no its ok K-Kevin, anyway we have to get to class soon" he said as he plays with his hands 

"listen if you don't go I'll take you there myself you got it " I said 

" K-Kevin I'm fine" dork said "K-Kevin if we don't start walking now we'll going to be late for class" dork said, dork was about to get up from the floor but before he did I grab him and through him over my shoulder and said " I told you that your going to the nurses office, you could of have done it yourself but you don't listen so I'm taking you there" I said while waking to the nurses office 

"k-Kevin please put me down I can walk myself" he said as he was hitting on my back, it was fast hits and it hurt a little but nothing that I couldn't handle . It took us 2 minutes to get to the nurse office because people us looking at us and in the way, when we got there I knocked on the door then I walked in, nurse Gabby was in 

" hey Gabby I have someone that needs your help, can you help ?" I asked as dork was over my shoulder telling me to put him down 

" sure Kevin put her down over here" Gabby said as I put dork down where she told me to put him" Gabby her is not a girl its actually a boy" I said as I laughed a bit

 " what you're a boy ? "Gabby asked as she took a look at dork, dork sat up straight but still looking down 

"yes I'm a boy, can I leave now I'm all ready late for class" he said

 " I thought you needed help because your hurt ?" Gabby asked

 "yeah he dose need help, come on dork look up " I said 

" first off I don't need help, second off It only hurts a little nothing to bad " he said 

"dork come on look up" I said 

"its nothing so leave it please" he said 

"but dor-" I was cut of my gabby on the phone " hey Blossom, Edd is in the nurse office can you come help me out ?" Gabby asked and all you heard from the other side of the phone was " you tell him to keep his little ass there I'll be down in one minute" the girl on the other side of the phone said, dork head swung up, we could see all of his bruises on his face 

" are you crazy why would you call Blossom omg, omg, omg she's going to kill me now " dork yelled 

"well you wasn't listening and she said if you come here and you don't listen I could call her so I called her" Gabby said, as soon she was done with her sentence the door swung open "ahh" dork screamed

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