Pfft who am I kidding? I'm absolute shit.

Fuck it's 7:47. Why am I late for literally everything?

I grab my phone, stuffing it in my pocket.

"Cole! I'm going to a party! Food is in the fridge!"

Cole's steps out of the room, looking at me.

"Don't get too drunk. In fact don't even drink. Remember last time?"

The last time I went to I party, I got so drunk I blacked out. Hunk and Pidge had to carry me home. Shiro yelled at me that night. I was underage, I still am, and I was careless.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine."

I got on my motorcycle, driving to Lance's house. I get there in no time, going over the speed limit.

Red: Yo, I'm here. You ready?

Sharpshooter: just a sec.

I put away my phone, tapping my foot impatiently. I hear loud footsteps, some yelling and then Lance appears from the door way.

"Damn Keith! You look hot." He says, getting on behind me.

"T-thanks. You're not to bad yourself."

Not that I would admit it but he looked extra good this time. A dark blue dress shirt, untucked, light blue ripped jeans and Blue converse. His hair was slightly styled so it looked wavy. I give him a helmet and pull out of the driveway, the engine starting up.

We get there pretty fast and I cut the engine. He pulls off the helmet, his hair messy.

"Pfft your hair." I reach up to him, fixing it the best I can.

"Aww the cold Keith actually does care about me!" He smirks.

I scoff, "I just don't want people to think I'm friends with an idiot."

"You wound me Keith!" He dramatically drapes his arm over his chest.

I roll my eyes and we enter the house. It was absolutely huge. Damn these rich people. The music was pounding, stove lights flashing. They actually went all out here. It looked like a night club from Las Vegas.

"Let's get a drink!" Lance says, dragging me over to the refreshments.

»»————- ★ ————-««
Two hours later of drinking.

I feel like shit. Oh wait, I feel like shit everyday.

I'm fucking drunk out of my mind, trying to find Lance. I see him on the couch, two girls on each side. They giggle at whatever cheesy pickup line that comes out of his mouth. One of them gets a bit too close, pressing kisses onto his neck. I growl like if they can hear me from all they over there. My drunk ass starts walking over there. Who do these sluts think they are?!?I walk in front of them.

"Lance... I needtotalk to.. you~" I slur, swaying a bit.

Lance can apparently hold his liquor and isn't too drunk.

I Hate You✯KlanceUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum