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The hero is in the middle of the woods. They are searching for an escape when suddenly they remember that they own a phone. However when they check... They have no battery or no signal.

This annoys me because either movie killers have extreme knowledge of what areas of the world have no phone  signal or they know when a person's about to run out of battery. It is an amazing gift that I wish I also owned as then I wouldn't have to worry about whether or not someone was gonna try and kill me because they have this amazing gift.

Another very particular problem with phones in horror movies or rather the people who use them is how frequently they check for signal.

An example of this is in The Hills Have Eyes. Dude is a phone seller who knows all about phones and yet on his long journey down the road he never thinks once to check for a second time whether over the distance he has travelled he has accumulated a phone signal or tried to reach higher ground to aquire the signal.

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