New School, New Life

Start from the beginning

( Y/N POV )

Groaning as I finally got home leaning back against the door I let my eyes close as I remember how my day went downhill, after being late for class a few girls had taken to bullying me; and two boys in the school who were also like me started following me. They were convinced since I was like them that meant I was automatically part of their group, the younger of the two had no sense of personal space and the older I was sure was a sadist; the only good thing that happened was getting to have macaroni and cheese at lunch which I managed to eat outside giving me space. "Y/N, is that you? Dinners almost done go have a shower and then come sit at the table; I want to hear all about your first day!" I wanted to groan again at my Dads yelling, I loved him but he had really needed to learn to come talk to me; no matter how good my hearing was yelling through the wall still annoyed me and made it difficult to understand him. Not in any mood to face him just yet though I called back through heading up the stairs, I didn't want to worry him so it was better to relax in the shower before I told him about my day; maybe then it would look better to me too. "Okay Dad" Moving into my room I groaned at the boxes still needing unpacking, my clothes were mainly still packed away with my uniforms out ready for the week; I planned to finish unpacking my things at the weekend since all my furniture was already up and where I wanted it. Grabbing my towel I went into the bath room turning on the shower letting it heat up as I disguarded my dirty clothes into the wash basket, finally stepping inside I hissed slightly at the heat but didn't change it wanting the hot water to ease my muscles; reaching out I got my shampoo and began washing my hair. Once done I conditioned before moving to get my special wash bottle and began lathering my tail rinsing it off once done before moving on to my ears, the special routine was second nature now but when I was little I had hated it; my Dad having to force me to let him clean me when the time came to wash my sensitive ears and tail. Sighing feeling clean I washed the rest of my body before stepping out of the heat shivering a little at the chill I felt, quickly towelling down and wrapping myself I headed back to my room reaching for an essential appliance that stayed by my bed; my hairdryer turning on with a quiet rush of warm air as I began drying my hair ears and tail. 

By the time I was done drying off putting my hair into a braid and slipping into a soft pair of pyjamas the smell of chicken took my attention, heading down stairs I went to the dinner table finding my Dad putting cutlery down; his warm blue eyes meeting my miss matched ones. "Hey there sweet heart, dinner is done; sit down and I'll bring it in" Returning his smile I sat down watching him gather plates, he had changed since going to work in pyjama top and trousers; he was just like me in that way changing into his comfortable clothes or pyjamas as soon as he got home. His ears sat up while he sang to himself tail swaying contently side to side, the white fur pristine like always leaving me still mystified how he kept it like that; his platinum hair sitting around his shoulders messily like always. Unlike my tail and ears my Dads was short fur which made it easier to keep tidy in a way, he said I got my fur length from my grandfather; I didn't remember him much but I did know he had longer fur than mine from the photos of my grandparents. My thoughts were cut short when a plate of chicken with cheese and bacon, rice and vegetables at the side was placed in front of me; instantly I began to stare at the food with longing but waited for my Dad to sit and pick up his fork before I took mine to begin my dinner. I never ate before my Dad since he had been at work all day, when I was little it was because I wanted him to try the food I helped him cook; now it was out of respect for him and what he did for me. Taking a bite out of my chicken I almost groaned at the cheese and bacon mixed with it, I was lucky to not be intolerant to dairy like my Dad was and I enjoyed a wide range in my diet; milk being one of the biggest alongside cheese my dad added to my food specially. "So how was your first day at school, make any new friends?" Glancing up at my Dad I shrugged my shoulders taking a fork full of vegetable chewing slowly as I tried to think of how to explain my day to him, I didn't want to tell him it was terrible but I wouldn't lie either; finally I swallowed glancing up to answer in a quiet but calm tone. "Well it was a little rough but I'm still getting used to it, I'm not the only neko so that's a plus I guess; oh and I met my teachers. They are all really nice so I think I will enjoys my lessons, I spoke to them about work I missed and they've given me some notes so I can catch up; it shouldn't take long since I was ahead before we moved" 

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