New School, New Life

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( Y/N POV )

Moving closer to the class room I tried to ignore the stares I got, I had only recently moved here and being a new girl was never a nice feeling but with me being... different it made it worse; Dad said it would pass but I wasn't so sure. Looking up from my schedule I found I was at the right door at last after two girls telling me to go to the wrong side of the school, I had left early this morning to make sure I got to school and would have time to find my classes but their mean trick ruined that plan; sighing I slowly walked into the class room trying to ignore the staring eyes of my new class mates and focus on the teacher instead. She was a middle aged woman with black curls and warm almond eyes, and as soon as I saw her I felt myself perk up a little being in her presence; I had always been a fairly good judge of character and I could tell she was nice. "Well good morning, you must be our new student; I don't normally forgive lateness but since it's your first day I will let it slide this once. Class this is our new student Y/N Good, Y/N would you come introduce yourself to the class; don't be shy" The gentle tone she used helped me gather enough courage to stand in front of her and the board looking out over the others in the room, some of them looked bored while others were shocked or awed by my appearance; it wasn't the first time and I knew it wouldn't be the last time I saw those looks but they still unsettled me a little. Clearing my throat slightly I tried to keep my own voice calm and steady, putting a calm smile in place and doing my best to look calm; despite knowing some of my body language gave me away. "Good morning, I'm Y/N and I just moved here with my Dad; and I hope we get along" There was silence for a few moments before I felt a hand on my shoulder making me look back to the teacher behind me, her smiled more warm this time but her eyes showing me she understood my unease; gesturing up she nudged me to move along. "Thank you Y/N, you can take the empty seat by the window at the back; open your book to page twenty two" Smiling in thanks I moved forward down the space between desks heading for the vacant one I had been told to take, ducking into the seat I gathered what I needed before looking forward; feeling eyes glancing at me from behind. Glancing back I couldn't see anyone looking at me so I shrugged it off as nerves, turning back I tried to pay attention to the teacher who apparently was called Mrs. Lanett if the sign on her desk was right; but I just couldn't get rid of the feeling someone was watching me.

( ? POV ) 

Watching the new girl I was took in every detail of her appearance, I had never seen a neko up close and she was nothing like I thought one might be; her features complimenting her feline features perfectly in my mind. Her ears were a creamy gold which peeked out of her hair which was a shade lighter making it a almost white blonde, her tail was the same as her ears and both had silky looking texture and flowed a slight amount away from her tail and ears; it reminded me of a cat I had seen in a book once called a turkish angora. Her eyes had captivated me when I first noticed them, one was a clear ocean blue while the other was a deep but clear forest green; I knew it was rare in humans but I wasn't sure if it was in neko's. I remember people talking about when they came out into the open years back, they had some issues with rights like different ethnicities did but laws had been passed since then to make sure they had the same rights and chances as anyone else; it didn't mean they always got a good welcome though. Most neko's kept to themselves from what I knew, and this girl was only the third in the whole school; the other two a third year boy above us and a first year boy who came into the school this year. The fact this new girl was entering the school after a full term only made her stand out more, but seeing her tail twitching while she introduced herself ears laid back slightly was cute; I enjoyed being able to see her real emotions. Most girls here were either two faced liars or self absorbed bullies, and I couldn't stand either one of them; but this girl was different. Even as she finally took a seat I couldn't help but watch her, glancing away when she looked back knowing getting caught would do me no good; in fact I wanted to watch her a little longer before I approached her and find out what other cute things she did. Would she get afraid if the other mean girls approached her, even now many of the popular girls were glancing at her glaring or looking her up and down; no doubt jealous of the attention others were giving her. Other boys did much the same and I instantly hated it, I wasn't sure why but I didn't like anyone else watching her; forcing my eyes back to the teacher I ignored the thought. I would watch her for now and keep my distance, later I would get a little closer to her and sate my curiosity; and maybe find out just how soft neko fur was. 

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