Chapter 4

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After the party got over, Brendon was too drunk to walk. Me and Ryan carried him to his room. "Ooof ! You know you gotta do something about your drinking problem dude." Ryan rolled his eyes and set him on the bed.

"There" I tucked him in his bed. Brendon pulled the covers further and smiled. "Thanks, I love you mommy and daddy." He mumbled and passed out. "What are you saying, idiot !" I smiled and pinched his flushed cheeks. "Leave him ! He gets drunk beyond measure." Ryan crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

"Well, I guess I gotta go." I stood and straightened my dress.

"Going home ? Well I guess it's a good bye for now." Ryan shrugged "I hope Spencer and Jon are still sober."

When we got down, Spencer and Jon were luckily still in their senses. "So I guess it's a goodbye." Spencer shrugged.

"Good bye ! I'll miss you guys so much !" I hugged him tightly. "Oh and keep your promise." I huffed against his chest. "Ha ! Sure. Promise." Spencer chuckled and kissed my forehead.

I pulled away and went to Jon. "Bye Jon ! I'll miss you too !"

"Bye ! Take care of yourself alright ?" He patted my shoulder.

"So Ryan. Goodbye." I smiled and nervously walked up to him. "Take Care Maggie." Ryan pulled me into a hug. I could feel Spencer trying to hold back his laughter.

After that I returned home and spent the night trying to finish up whatever I could of my homework. Next day before leaving for college, the boys dropped in again.

"Guys ! What a surprise !" I smiled. I was half ready for college and hopefully didn't look like a mess. "Yeah ! This guy here didn't want to leave before saying goodbye to you." Jon poked Brendon's cheek.

"Yep. Goodbye. Sorry for yesterday !" He massaged his temples. "You're having a bad hangover huh ? Wait, do you remember anything from last night ?" I asked lifting a brow.

"No but Spencer wanted me to apologize. I don't know." He shrugged and put on his shades. "Bye Maggie ! I'll definitely miss you ! Message me whenever possible !" He hugged me tightly.

"Sure." I pulled back and smiled. "Bye babe." He kissed my forehead and walked outside. "Thanks for the weekend guys ! All the best for the future and keep doing an awesome job ! Of course, I'll always be here listening to you guys on my Ipod." I smiled

"Bye Maggie !" They chanted and left. I smiled at them and glanced at my clock. I hurriedly left for college after readying myself.


"You're Magdalena McKellen ?" A ginger pounced in front of me during lunch time. She was accompanied by a tall blonde girl. I thought I could quietly eat my lunch at the table and be occupied by a book as usual but I was wrong.

"Y-yeah. H-how'd you know ?" I set aside my book and looked up at her. She was pretty cute with shoulder length hair and huge, warm, honey eyes. She had dimples and her skin was pale but her cheeks were slightly pink. I couldn't make out if she was blushing for real or had applied make up.

"We're in the same class ! Hi ! I'm Wendy and this is my friend Abbygail." She cheered.

Now Abbygail was a real beauty. She was tall and well built with long, straight blonde hair. Her eyes were a gorgeous shade of blue. If you came closer to her, you'd probably drown in the deep blue of her eyes. Till this day, I envy her eyes. She could easily get selected as a model. She had the height, body figure and her lips had a perfect pout.

"Umm hi.. I am except you can call me Maggie." I tightened my lips.

"Ohhhh cool ! Hi Maggie ! Can we sit here ?" Wendy smiled

"S-sure ..... ?" I tensed. I am no good with strangers.

She sat opposite to me and stared at me. She leaned closer and squinted her eyes. "Green eyes, black hair, full eyebrows, overall pretty." She noted to herself and sipped her milkshake.

I was starting to get a teeny bit uncomfortable. "Excuse me ?" I asked.

"Ignore it. It's her weird streak." Abbygail rolled her eyes.

"You're hair is really black ! It's so dark, kinda looks like the shade emos usually dye, right Abby ? Say, is it real or did you colour it ?" Wendy asked

"It's my natural hair color." I answered, touching a lock.

"Wow ! I rarely see people with pure black hair ! It looks like the night ! Anyway, I saw you sitting all alone in class, during lunch time and all. Are you emo or do you usually like solitude ?" Wendy asked.

"I am not emo and I kinda do like solitude. People are scary." I smiled awkwardly and looked down.

"Scary ? I am said to come off as scary, do I scare you ?" Abbygail asked.

"Well no not exactly."

"Then do I scare you ?" Wendy jumped in, closer to my face.


"Wendy stop. Personal space remember ?" Abbygail

"Well, we came here cause we wanted to be friends !" Wendy pulled back and smiled.

"Huh ?" I looked up at her.

"No kidding. No one deserves to be alone. My rule." Abbygail crossed her arms.

"Okay but why pick me at a random time like this ?"

"Well, ask her." Abbygail rolled her eyes and looked at Wendy.

"Well, you helped me out that day when I didn't get the equation right, remember ?" She raised her eyebrows.

That's when it hit me. I knew she had a familiar face but I couldn't remember who she was. Hey don't blame me. I have the attention span of a gnat and this college has millions of people.

"Oh yeah, now I do."

"Hehe ! Now only you got it ? You're funny !" Wendy giggled. "You didn't have attitude like most of the people I asked before plus you just seemed so lonely !"

"Okay so I guess we're friends ?"

"Yup. You and me and Abbygail." Wendy smiled.

And that's how I met the two favourite girls of my life. Now let's go back to the boys whom I love shall we ?

A Regular Decorated Emergency (Panic! At The Disco Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now