Chapter 2

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Coming to 2006 when the band became super popular. Everyone and anyone was talking about them. Panic this, Panic that, Brendon is hot, Ryan is adorable blah blah.

The boys grew more famous day by day. Brendon totally lost his nerd look and became hotter by the second. Ryan still gave me the butterfly feeling. Seeing him in a famous band made him ten times more attractive to me. Hehehe, I had a crush on Ryan before he was famous ! Hipster !!

All my friends were super jealous that I knew them personally. I became quite popular too. All of them wanted to know about the boys.

I got the hype. Just wasn't in the hype. However I did attend their concerts with my brother. Their song 'I write sins not tragedies' was a big hit and all my friends begged me for their autograph. They fangirled over the boys and I was proud that I actually knew celebrities.

Their concerts were wild, with Brendon going crazy on stage and pretending to make out with Ryan. For a while I thought they were actually a couple and boy was I jealous of Brendon ! But then I came to know that Brendon was just acting like the monkey he is.

My relationship with the boys grew and Brendon and Spencer became more closer as if they were my own brothers. Ryan was a bit reserved as usual but soon he also progressed in our relationship. He started talking a little more and smiled more too.

But we became super close after I lost someone who was super close to me. My brother was murdered in front of my own eyes. He was shot four times and this traumatic experience haunted me forever. The sight of him with blood dripping from his mouth was a nightmare. I stood in utter shock as he fell to the ground, struggling to live.

I still remember holding his head in my lap. I begged him to live. To stay with me. But he simply smiled, the corners of his mouth filled with blood. He was smiling as he was about to cross over to the next life while I stared at him in utter silence, watching him struggle to breathe. He died on my lap. I was traumatized by what happened.

I skipped a depressing part of my childhood. My father was always pressurized at work. He took out his stress on my mother, Matt and me. He abused us physically and mentally, often calling us burdens. He even told that it was better if we all died. He wouldn't have anyone to support. I grew up with him beating us but as soon as my brother got older and stronger, he did everything he could to protect me. He wouldn't let Dad hit me or our mom. He took it all and still smiled. He was my hero.

To watch your hero die, in front of you, is something that is excruciatingly painful. He died at the age of 20. He couldn't live a full life. He dreamed of getting me and my mom out of our home. But he couldn't. Still, to me, he will always be my hero.

The Panic members were thoroughly stunned at the news. They all came rushing for the funeral. That is when the boys grew closer to me. I remember sitting near my brother's grave crying bitter tears. Spencer sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. Brendon sat on the other side and hugged me. There was nothing else they could do except comfort me. Ryan spoke out finally. "We'll take care of her buddy." He spoke to my brother's grave stone.

Next few months were hard and quite painful. I didn't talk much. Some days I didn't talk at all. The boys grew more famous and their connection with me grew weak. On very few days Spencer used to call to check on us. My mom always talked to him. I didn't. I just couldn't.

One day, when I was crying on my bed, I noticed 'A Fever you can't sweat out' lying on my table. I picked up the CD and played it. After putting on my head phones, I played Panic's songs at the highest volume. After I listened to 'I write Sins not tragedies' I felt better. Much better. Their whole album was played over and over again.

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