Possessed soldier

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I was flying high while mist enveloped the ground down below. You can never tell whether it's day or night around here...though it doesn't matter since day and night never existed. It could be day or night at anytime....

Why am I even bothered about this! Crap it all.....

The gateway, the gateway, the gateway....gotta find it! Have to find it! I've informed Asa...the plan is on!


"Hailee! Hailee, are u ok?!?"

I rushed over to the girl, whose black hair was sprawled on the carpet like sleeping beauty's on the bed. Hailee groaned and slowly her eyelids lifted.

"What...what happen?"

I helped her up. "I dunno! The house...it...I think it was a massive earthquake".

"I fell", Hailee said and massaged the back of her head. "Hard. And now my head's throbbing".

"You rest here" 'There is something absulotuly wrong going on behind my back and that was definitely not an earthquake!!!! What the hell...'

"It's all fine". I said although the voice in my head kept screaming 'NO, you pathetic creature...the shadows...the spirits...'

"Where are u going, Ferry?!" Hailee inquired, alarmed to be left alone as I went over to the fireplace, snatched the poker and fast walk towards the door of the library.

"Nothing...just for safety reasons" 'Damn right you are...you are so screwed-'

"Shut up! Shut up" I muttered at the second voice in my mind.

"Please hurry", Hailee said as the doors closed behind me. A poker to defend myself?! Eh...atleast I have a weapon.


No noise could be hear behind my bedroom door. Just an eerie silence that seemed to hung there in the air above our heads. Anaya was white, trembling like a leaf in the wind. Daniel face was red and flushed as he helped his wife to stand up.

"What in heaven's name-?" He began but the floor shook again. I managed not to fall flat on my back this time, although I almost did hit the wall. Bipasha was playing with us...I can feel it!

Anaya, u alright there?"

"Fine. But Son-"

The lady's voice froze under her lips. She had heard it. I had heard it. Daniel had heard it. We all had heard it and we stopped talking for a few moments. Singing! I can hear someone singing, a frail feminine tune, slow and sad...

I turn to my door. It was coming...from inside...

I stepped back, one foot at a time, beckoning Anaya and Daniel to do the same. They stood there staring at me, wordless. I made sign languages with my hand.


The singing stopped, a floorboard creaked...

I was about to turn and fled down the stairs to warn Ferry to stay where she was when the door...exploded!


The explosion was so loud, the house shook a third time before I can resume standing from the second fall, beneath the foot of the stairs. Dust and smoke seeped down, splinters were everywhere.

I grab the poker tight and took the stairs to at a time, reaching the the platform, I saw an open mouthed Morgan and Jaqueline, staring up at the debris. I followed their gaze and froze. Asa's...door! It was...gone...! What lay in its place was a gaping rectangle hole, lots of smoke and wooden splintes..splinters everywhere.

"Oh my god" I muttered.


Anaya and Daniel helped me up this time, each arm around mine. I was light and thin anyway....

My door!

Even worse...the safety!!

"We gotta go!" I said breathless. "We HAVE TO GO NOW"

"Wait...Sonia" Anaya fixed her gaze back on the doorless room. "Why hasn't she..?

A floorboard creaked. Another and another. I shook my head wearily and tried to pull the arm of a distraught mother and put in some sense in a crestfallen father. But they seemed to certain Sonia was in there...

A floorboard creaked....a rasping sound...a scratching sound....

As the smoke cleared, I could make out and image..sitting there on the floorboards with her back to us. Sonia!!!

But....none of us moved.

*scartch, scratch, scartch...creak....scartch, scratch, scartch, creak, scratch...

'What the hell is she doing?' I thought.

Sonia was there alright, her back to us. She was sitting cross- legend, her hair wild and a mess, her breath in a rasp. She was scratching my floorboards with her fingernails...making all those noises. And every time she moved, it gave a slight creak!

"Sonia" Anaya exclaimed before I could do anything. She wanted to rush in but I held her tightly. Something was very wrong with her daughter and I'm pretty sure she's....

Sonia jerked upright. Her mother's calls seemed to have shocked her. Her head began jerking to one side as she slowly turned, revealing her bloodstained clothes. But when our eyes met, I wanted to fled that instance.

Her face....was twisted into an eerie smile, her teeth was blackish her fingers were bloody with every screw that drove into her flesh when she tried to pull open my boards. But her eyes....LIFELESS! They stared balnkly at us, those two pools of horror! A white mist covered her iris....

The once pretty girl was....a demon now!

I pulled Anaya back so hard, she almost lose her footing. Daniel went to the back as well but Anaya's face was streaked with her salty tears as she sobbed.

"Go. All of you. Now!"


"Please", I pleaded when I heard a soft dreadful chuckle coming from behind. Both Anaya and Daniel screamed as I spinned around. Sonia was still there, above our heads this time on the ceiling, crawling her way out, sneering at us.

She snarled like an animal and began to crawl faster!!!! And then...she screeched!

"RUNNNNNN" I yelled, racing down the stairs with the others.

Sonia screeched behind us and like a demon plus zombie, she chased us, her nails sharp and blood raked them. Then I saw Ferry....with a poker! Her face turned pale....

My eyes darted around as shadow after shadow began to form...the tedious laugh of Bipasha rang in my ears!

"What now...Spirit Walker!!! How are you going to save the ones you love...."

Nico di Angelo...( An Asa Butterfield's horror secrets)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora