The beginning of Hiro

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This pic above is how I imagine Ghost would look like....I would update on Vincent and Victoria in the next chapter~~

Having a pair of wings attached to your back may be of help. The problem with that it has it's own mind. And it was getting at my nerves. Victoria had wanted to call my wings, 'What a Coincidence!' But we decided to call it Hiro because of how it heroically saved my fall.

"That is a name you'd give to a dog", Victoria complained, hovering beside me as we trenched the dark valley.
"Or a cat!" Vincent added quickly. Ghost sighed.
"Or a goldfish, or a tarantula, or a snake, or whatever that u want as a pet!!"
Victoria pouted her lips, dissolving into a shadow beside me. She slid through the expanding walls and the fog below our feet. Just then Hiro expanded through my back and started flapping, lifting me of my feet. Ghost made a chocking noise, preventing himself from laughing as I squealed with annoyance, kicking my feet in the air. Manny made a loud "Arr....lad" and reached for my ankle. He pulled me down forcefully, shaking his head as Hiro created a tantrum, flapping and flapping like a busted pigeon.

This automatically made me look like I was desperately trying to dance to the worst tunes. Victoria reappeared and trapped my wings in her arms, singing a quiet and eerie melody.

"What are you doing?" I asked unbelievably. Vincent smiled like a little child who had gotten the biggest lolly in the world as Hiro's insane flaps decreased. Victoria gave me one of her, "just shut up and bow to me" looks. The "since I saved your ass" look followed in.
"What was that song?"

"It's not a song!" Somehow Victoria always managed to pronounce 'song' as 'sung'. She went quiet after that, stroking Hiro's feathers, sending ticklish sensations down my back. Noticing this, she stopped and glided down beside me.

"It..." Vincent was saying. "It was a lullaby". I noticed Victoria pretending not to listen as she went over to talk to Ghost and Manny, something about 'finding her' although I wasn't not sure.
"Our ma used to sing it to us when we were kids....and...alive, I guess".

Lullaby eh?

Vincent watched his sister, a distant faraway look in his eyes even with the small smile on his lips. One of the few things that comforted me the during my early days as a child in Eternity was Vincent.

"Oi!!! Victoria!! Get off of Ghost and stop trying to strangle him!! He's already dead!!"
The first time I met Nico, we were years apart and yet...we have the same face.
The girl dissolved into a shadow immediately, appearing beside the little boy. "Eh?? What a shock!! He looks like YOU Nick!!"
"You think so too", Nico grinned with pride. "My little twin. Say hello to Asa Butterfield".
Everybody else was a lot bigger than I was back then. And they were even surprised to find that I'm...
"He's not dead!!" The transparent boy called Ghost said. "He's a Walker!!"
"Seems like", Nico said and heaved the little boy onto his shoulder. "He's the key!"
A bulky man appeared alongside a boy that looked just like Victoria. He stopped and rested his big eyes on the little boys face, his smile growing larger and larger. In the end, he half walked and half ran towards Nico to pet the little boy's head and squeeze his cheeks and nose and ruffled his dark hair.

"KAWAII I!!!" He squealed. "Where did you find him?"
"Poor little thing was lost", Nico said. "Found him bawling his eyes out."
"He looks a lot like you though!!! Can it be..."
"The name's Manny" the bulky man plucked the boy out of Nico's shoulder and let him sit on his instead. "Yorushke". (Nice to meet you)
"Vincent", the excited older lad said. "That's my sister, Victoria!" Victoria gave a wave.
"She....she you..."
Vincent nodded gleefully. "We're Twins!!" And Victoria snorted.
"There's nothing to get all jumpy bakayaro!!" (Idiot)
And they were left alone, arguing about the trifles of things. The transparent boy came to hover beside the little boy. He extended his transparent hand and said, "I'm Ghost" his voice was calm and firm. "Let's be friends, Asa".
Vincent turned around from his argument. "Yes!! Lets!!"

"Why are you spacing out for bakayaro!!" Victoria's shrill mockery snapped me out of my thoughts. God....I wonder if she'll ever try to be nice for once. At least...minus the sarcasm. "Hayake Shiroyo!! (Hurry up)
I sighed and followed them on the trail until I noticed what was standing ahead of us. I guessed that it was making Victoria less confident and more anxious as a pair of black iron gritted gate, the height of 50 feet up in the air loomed before us.

" can't be!!"
I heard my thoughts through Manny's hoarse voice. "We should be taking at lest 5 more days before reaching the Black Gate!!"
Vincent's pale face was paler and he looked at his sister for guidance...but Victoria's expression was as hard as granite. Ghost faded completely and we assumed that he was still there but was too cowardly to show his face. THAT was Victoria's explanation.

See, I've heard of the Black Gate before. It was one of the 7 gateways to go into the depths of Eternity that even the living's imagination couldn't reach. Which is to be exact....HORRIBLE!! Problem is, it's very unwise for the dead of Eternity to wonder round inside these gateways because off their 'death' weakness. But with a Walker like me, they and I might have a chance. What lies beyond is supposedly the Demon, Bipasha's immense cage where she traps the pure souls to torment them....Seraphina is one of those souls....and I promised Nico...that I would save her!!

"What are we going to do?" Ghost's voice was audible even though his presence shows otherwise. He sounded very small which made Victoria irritated.
"Cowards aren't welcome to give their thoughts or show concern", she snapped. Then regretting her harsh tone, she sighed and crossed her own arms.
"Apologize!!" Vincent demanded, pouting his lips. He looked ready to cry if he was 4 or 5.
"It's-" Ghost was about to say.
"Gomme!" (Sorry) Victoria wasn't even looking at anyone. Her eyes burn though the gates. "Well, whatever...can some genius explain to me why the Black Gate is 50 meters away from us instead of 50 miles??!!"

Hiro flapped nervously behind my back and stroked it as if trying to calm an anxious kitty. "It's changing drastically than I thought it would", I said. Victoria glanced over. "We're going to have to be extra careful to not get pulled out by some force or something".

To my shock, Victoria nodded. "Probably...ahh....what a pain..."
"Sure is", Vincent added pitifully. "Let's head the other way to find a portal for shelter. I miss the mansion already!!"
"Asa can start learning how to control his Divine Instrument!!" Victoria cut through, already gliding away in her shadow form. "There's no way we'll survive if he doesn't even know how to tame his own wings!!"
"Sounds like a plan", Ghost said, reappearing. Victoria snorted.
"Look who decided to finally show some guts!!"

Manny slapped my back unexpectedly which made me jump forward a few steps.
"What the heck was that for??"
But Manny just lifted me off my feet and made me sit on his shoulder. I blushed as Vincent made an adoring 'awwwwwwww' and Victoria couldn't stop laughing. Ghost smiled.

"It's aright isn't it boy...but I kinda miss holdin ya like this", The bulky man said. "Ya don't mind, d'ya boy?"
I covered my eyes with the back of my hand in embarrassment. "Not at all". I couldn't help smiling.

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