Day 3...( start over again)

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I knocked the door, waiting patiently out in the cold, feeling the cool breeze against my solid skin. Brrrrr..........

After what seemed like hours, the frame wrenched open and a face poked out, giving his best smile.

"Hey", Asa said, opening the door wide enough to let me in. Through the small gap, I thought I saw another face but it wasn't until I walked in into the big cosy house that I saw her....Payton!!!! about that haughty girl gives me that inner nightmare for some reason. Yesterday, when Asa's friend were introducing themselves, Payton was the only one who said her name, shrugged, glared at me as though I've sinned and walked off, leaving the rest( including Asa) stunned!

'Why is she here...' I thought as Asa guided me to the hall where Loxie was reading a book upside-down and Jacqueline was busy with the laptop!! Payton followed from the back like a ghost and seated herself in one of the comfortable sofas with a look of boredom.

"Hello", she said, not looking at me.

"Hi", I said, forcing myself to smile.

"You wouldn't believe it!!", Asa added not noticing the tensed situation between Payton and I. "I'm Ender!! Ender Wiggin!!!!"

'Really?' I thought!!

"For real?" I asked, happiness in my tone and he nodded his head vigorously. "I knew it!! Didn't I tell you that one day..."

"I will play that role", Asa finished my sentence. "I remember you said that!! It was the...".

And then there was a faraway look in the boy's blue eyes as he stared at me, unblinking for a moment. Payton looked pissed and she opened her mouth to say something but one look from Jacqueline made her shut her bone box( mouth).

"The first time we met", Asa said, glancing down to look at the floor. "You bought that book didn't you? Enders Game.....and then someone knocked you and you fell on the road with a car oncoming-"

"Really?" Payton asked. I figure she's interested in this topic because it involves me getting hurt and almost killed. Little Brat!!

"I saved you like a hero", Asa said, ignoring Payton's question which made the pretty model girl snort behind. I kept my dark eyes firmly on the boy's face in front, tracing the

Ionesco on his lips when he smiled. Always like an idiot. But I can't deny missing it for a whole 4 years.....yep!

"Sure", I replied, hiding my light blush with a grin. "You really came at the right time to save a guardian angle".


Maybe, I shouldn't have said that out loud. Asa's face was beet root red and he gave a small smile of a precious memory, looking away, only to find his mother giving him a cheeky grin. Payton stood up, looking absolutely filled with range. She threw her hands up in a dramatic manner, with a protest. Asa looked up.

"Uh...hello", she said while I tried to ignore her so there wouldn't be any "WORLD WAR 3" later. "That's my guy you're talking about. Asa's my boyfriend and you little piece of rotten apple!!"

Rotten apple??

This girl is still trying to keep her manners?


"You have no rights to say anything about me especially in front of me...".

Asa sighed. "Payton, don't be upset! Ferry's just a....a good friend whom I've never spoken too in a while".

"Whatever", the other girl answered back and I heard Asa gave a low whimpering sound, like a defeated dog. Jacqueline stayed silent and didn't even look up to see Payton stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind her. She couldn't care less about that obstinate kid.......

Asa didn't move. He just looked too shocked to move that I went over and gave his arm a soft shake. He turned his eyes on me, puzzeled.

"You okay?"

"It's just, I've never seen her jealous of anyone in my life...she always thinks she's the best", Asa explained. "Obviously, if I put the both of you under the same roof, no one be left standing alive".

I laughed!

"Agree to disagree", I replied and I saw Asa's mother smirking. "I won't take in that challenge. I may be a girl but I don't kick other girl's butt".

"Decent woman eh??"

I smiled at the blue eyed figure, giving a squeeze on his hand. He accepted it!

"Not really".

Asa responded my squeeze and I gasped! Okay......that actually hurt.... but I didn't show it although I'm pretty sure that he knows.

"Hey", he said. "Wanna head to the park tomorrow? You know, do something we used to do like old buddies before".

"You mean, the bicycle...."

"Yep. Aramis and Hailee are joining us too".

Hailee's coming! Ohh, that would be fun! I've met that girl one time and we totally became great friends. She's just an awesome companion with a good sense of humor and manners. Aramis, the silky boy with a good nature. Tomorrow is going to be great and besides, I bet Danny and Annie would let me go since my new school starts next week. My parents are coming for a visit the following month and it would be great to tell them that I'm doing great and get to made up with old friends and make new ones. They really would be pleased if Annie calls and said, "hey, your kid's doing great! She finally met Asa again!"

"Can't wait for tomorrow then", I said.

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