In the woods

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All was dark as the old oak held Lazari's mother hung high.The only noise heared was the creeking of the rope danging down desperate for the woman's feet to hit the ground.

"My mama...."

Lazari called into the silent depths of the woods while watching her mom swing left to right.

"She's dead"

Looking into the endless pit of the emotionless pink skinned teddy Lazari continued.

"She said I was a monster"

She looked around in the lonely woods for a person..not a soul could be found due to the eternal darkness of the night . Staring back at her teddy she sighed then heared crunching of leaves.A tall, slim sigure appeared in the distance.

"I saw a tall man..."
"And wanted to be friends..."

As Lazari held her hand up high the tall figure was revealed. He had white skin and no face.on his back several black inky tentacles swayed in rhythm of eachover and he wore what looked like a suit.

"He held my hand..."
"And took me away"

As the man walked hand to hand with Lazari, she asked his name.He said he was called slenderman.She told him her name as well.A few minutes of walking they reached a house that looked pretty decent for it to be in the woods.Breaking the silence slenderman yelled at a guy wearing a blue mask eating what looked like pasta on the jet-black sofa.


Lazari could smell the delitousnous of his food.

"Smells nice"

She launched at Jack biting his arm really hard.Blood spilled all over the floor.

"I'm sorry"
"I didn't mean to"
"Don't take me back too"

Slenderman suggested that the bite was punishment for eating on his sofa as he reached for the first aid kit.The 2 boys rushed to another room as 2 more people walked in. One if them was a young girl who's hair seemed to cover her eyes. She seemed to be called lulu.Another one was her brother? He had a massive smile that seemed to be permanent and wore a white hoodie. He was called jeff.

"-And thats when you tell them to go to sleep."

The guy called Jeff was explaining somethin to his younger sister.

"Aahh I get it"

Then they both stared  at Lazari for a moment then lulu burst out saying hi.Jeff snaked his head and nagged lulu about what he said about saying hi.Then silence filled the air.

"Don't get too close"

Jack appeared from the door once again but with his arm in a plaster/cast.


Lulu saw Jack's arm and worried about what had happened

"She bites."

He looked very sturn at Lazari not keeping his eyes off her.

"Slendy thinks she only bites monsters like you and me.

"Welp im off :I"

Jeff grabbed Lazari and headed out the door into the mist of the woods.Just as he left, as lulu and Jack stared at the door jack talked.

"Slendy's gunna kick his ass."


Lulu couldn't help but notice that jeff had planned something.

Later on, Jeff and Lazari were hiding in a bush.They were spying on a woman with long black hair who was texting on her phone.

"Jeff I know it's you"

The woman seemed to sense his presence.

"She doesn't look mean jeff..."

She told him puzzled.

"Hoho trust me..she's very mean to me."

He relied like a child in glee.

"Well I'll bite her hard!"

Lazari burst out the bush only to bite the poor victim of jeff. In that surrounding all was heared was a bunch of screams and Jeff bursting into laughter.

A minute later lazari returned to the bush.

"I bit her really hard till she like....stopped moving!"

"Best fucking kid ever!"

Then they decided to go home before slenderman kicks Jeff's ass.

"Were of to go see Slendy the wonderful sle-"

Slenderman appeared in front of jeff as they got to the door.

"Oh fuck"


As Lazari walked inside to draw with madly slenderman and Jeff had a 'talk'.

"I got crayons and paper here!"

Masky waved her over as they both started to draw.

"Can I see?"

Masky peered over Lazari to look at her picture.

"That's mummy's fwend.."

"I-it can't b-be...."

Slenderman walked in at the sight of masky's face.

"What's wro-"

The picture Lazari drew appeared to be zalgo.

Slenderman:"Was that lady on the tree your mommy?"

Lazari: "yes she said I was a monster... mommy hated me.."

Jeff appeared in the doorway.

Jeff:"we are keeping her...right?"

Slenderman:"Well I was planning on it."

Lazari:"Thank you  Mr.Swendyman."

I eat pasta for breakfast (written out)Where stories live. Discover now