10 - wait, what?

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I walked to school as usual with Yuka on my side. Everthing's the same nothing changed. The boring stuff and all that.

But today, I never ever think about him. I was focused on this boring stuff  throughout the class.

It was recess time so I went to the cafeteria with Yuka and bought foods since I didn't bring my bento today. We sat down on our usual seats and I didn't even bother to find him just for once.

I chatted with Yuka while eating the food we just bought until the end of recess. We went back to class as the boring stuff starts again. I focused on this boring stuff again since I felt bored drawing doodles on my notebook.

When school ended, I swear that it's the first time I survived school without thinking about him. I usually wanted to meet him after school.

I packed my things to go home. When I was walking out of my classroom, I saw Bokuto was standing at the front door of my class waiting for someone.

I just shrugged him off and walk past him but he stopped me by grabbing me by my wrist. I jumped a bit since I didn't expect him to do that.

I looked at him and he has his serious facial expression on.

"We need to talk." He started as he pulled me to god knows where. His grip was strong and hurting my wrist. I winced in pain and he loosened his grip.

He took me to that place. I always feel calm when I reached here. I took a deep breath.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked tilting my head a bit curious of what his answer is gonna be.

"Do you still remember when you confessed to me here?" He asked me back. I pouted since he didn't answer my question but I shrugged it off and said: "I said forget about it."

"What if I can't forget about it?" He asked again. I looked at him with a confused face and asked: "What do you mean?"

"What if I don't want to forget that you have a crush on me...."He said muttering the last part but I can hear it clearly.

There was an awkward silence between us since I didn't know what to answer and just stand there in awe.

"....cause' I like you too, Y/n." He continued looking away from me. My eyes widen by hearing his answer.

I blinked my eyes repeatedly trying to analyze what he said just now.



"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Wait, what??!!"

"The guy that I want to have his attention on me is asking me to be my girlfriend?!" I thought not believing what just happened.


Sorry short one....I'll try to upload the next chapter today, if I can

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