2 - forget

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Last night I just can't sleep cause' I kept on thinking about him, the owl look alike guy named Bokuto Kotarou.

"y/n wake up" My brother said as he opened the door. I look at him and he looked creep out when he saw me.

"What's wrong nee-chan?" I asked him. He suddenly looked mad at me. I gave him a innocent face. I was getting scared as he stomp his way towards me.

"You slept late last night right?" My brother said angrily.

I jumped a bit out of shock.

"H-how?" I asked. My brother sighed.

"I can tell ya know...your eye bags." He said sighing again. I pouted and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine. I put on a little bit of foundation under my eyes to hide my eye bags before getting out of the bathroom and put on my uniform.

I went to the dining table and ate my breakfast and today's breakfast is the same as always but my favorite.

When I finished eating, I went to the entrance of my home and puts on my stocking and shoes.

"I'm off!" I said as I went outside walking to school.

I sighed as I start walking to school.

"Y/N!!" Someone shouted. I jumped a bit cause' like I didn't expect someone to know me....and it's like my second day here. I barely know them.

I looked at where the voice came from and it was one of the girls I hanged out with on lunch. She ran towards me waving 'hi' at me. I waved at her back.

We walked together to school.

"Oh yeah..I didn't introduce myself yesterday right? I'm Yukari. Haruka Yukari. But you can call me Yuka." She said giving the most cheerful smile I've ever seen.

I was about to introduce myself but she cuts my words by saying: "I know who you are...you don't have to introduce yourself"

"Yeah right, you call my name just now."  I said after realizing it. Yuka laughed. I looked at her with a whats-wrong face on.

"You're funny"

"Uh...thanks." I said not knowing what to say while rubbing the back of my neck.

"What club do you wanna join y/n?" Yuka asked as we walk into our classroom.

"Hmm...I don't know yet." I said. Actually I wanna have a look at the volleyball club, the boy one not the girl one cause' I want to meet him again.

That owl boy.

But now, I have to endure the boring stuff again. But I don't know why, I suddenly payed attention in class for the first time. Why? Because I just feel like it plus...I got my mind off him, Bokuto.

After that lunch time has come. I took out my bento and Yuka pulled her chair to get near my table.

"You look awesome in class just now." Yuka said with her eyes sparkling. I gave her a confused face.

"Yesterday you were just doing something on your note not paying attention in class and today you're 100% focused in class and you look sooo cool and awesome!" Yuka explained.

I was looking at her with my mind blank.

"Sorry Yuka but there's too many words, I can't take a lot of data." I said acting like I was about to puke.

"Y/n? a-are you okay?" Yuka stuttered. I gigled making her look at me with her confused fae.

"Just kidding,just kidding." I said trying to calm her down.

We ate our lunch together. We exchange food,laugh and chit chat together throughout the lunch break.

When lunch break was over, Yuka went back to her seat and now the boring stuff starts again. This time, I don't feel like paying attention anymore so I look out the window daydreaming about my favorite anime.

Suddenly, while daydreaming, he showed up in my mind, Bokuto. I tried to shake him off but I just can't.

I can't forget how he smile, the way he talks, everything about him. I suddenly smiled at myself like an idiot every time he came into my mind.

I might not want to spread rumors about me being a creep in this school. Cause' if he knew about this, maybe he might not like me anymore, oops it's not like he like me anyways.

While daydreaming about him, I didn't notice that this boring stuff is finally ending. I quickly packed my things ready to go.

"Y/n, let's walk home together." Yuka offered.

"I'm sorry but I have to decline today." I said and went the the gym to take a look at the volleyball club.

I took a peek into the gym and saw the Fukurodani boys volleyball team. My eyes went left to right finding Bokuto but then I heard someone said: "Oya! Oya! Oya! are you the new manager?"

I quickly turned around to where the voice came from and it was him, the boy who I was searching for the whole time, Bokuto. There was another guy next to him, I think his name was Akaashi.

I shake my head 'no' answering his question just now. He went closer to me and put his face close to me that our nose almost touched.

"Then why are you here?" He asked. I was silent not knowing what to answer.

"Bokuto, don't embarrass the volleyball team please,she might want to join the girls volleyball and she got lost finding where the girls always practice." Akaashi said. Bokuto backed away looking at Akaashi while rubbing his chin and said "Yeah maybe you're right"

He saved me once again, thank you Akaashi.

Bokuto then put his attention to me and said "I'm sorry for just now." Bokuto bowed.

"Uh..i-it's okay." I stuttered. I finally got to talk to him. I was holding back my smile trying to act calm.

"Are you perhaps scared of-" Bokuto was cut off by Akaashi hit his head.

"Let's go already." Akaashi said pulling Bokuto to the gym.

I giggled. He's cute. Maybe cuter than an owl.

But then my smile fades away.

He didn't remember at all. If he remembered me, he would have already said this or that but he didn't even said anything that happened yesterday.

I sighed. I guess he's not interested in me. He just kept on giving his attention to his other friend, Akaashi.

I guess I'll go home now and started walking to home.

"Tadaima" I said as soon as I got home.

"You came a bit late today, did you join a club?" My brother asked.

"I got rejected." I lied.

"A club never rejects new member, they would welcome them." He said.

"Fine, I just went to look at the other clubs." I lied again.

My brother sighed as he went to the kitchen and continued cooking. I went upstairs to my room and changed to my casual clothes.

While waiting for dinner, I checked my phone and played some games.

After I ate dinner together with my brother, I felt really sleepy so I went to bed early.

Before I sleep, I was daydreaming about him again.

"I hope he pays more attention to me." I said as my eyelid became heavy and heavier.


I ran out of ideas soo....ya

and i'm sorry if my english is not good.

english is not my first language so yeah pls understand

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