1 - how i met him

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"Oi, y/n wake up you're going to be late." My brother said pinching my cheeks.

I pushed his hands away and got up from bed. Do my morning routine and put on my uniform as usual.

"I'll send you to your new school today, next time walk on your own." My brother said sipping his coffee when I reached the kitchen.

I just yawned in reply as I took a bite of the sandwich that my brother made.

I hummed satisfied with the taste of the sandwich. My brother just sighed in reply.

After we finished eating breakfast, I went into his car seating on the passenger seat and him seating on the driver's seat.

Before he drove me to school, he knocked on my head lightly making me look at him with an angry face.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"Don't  cause more trouble again, please." My brother said and started driving.

"Fine" I surrendered pouting.

My brother dropped me off at the entrance of Fukurodani High and we bid our goodbyes.

I sighed as I took a deep breath before taking a step into my new school, Fukurodani High.

And for your information, this year is my third year.

I went to the principle office cause' like he said to meet him first.

I knocked on the principle's office door before going into the room. The principle gave me a warm smile so I gave a smile back.

"Welcome to Fukurodani High! Hahaha" The principle said with a proud laugh.

I was just standing there in awe not knowing what to do. The principle looked at me with a why-are-you-still-here look on his face.

"Oh right, I forgot here's your schedule and classroom. Also feel free to join any club that you're interested in." The principle said then shooed me away from his office.

I sighed as I look at my schedule and my classroom.

"How am I supposed to find this class." I mumbled to myself.

"Are you perhaps the new transfer student?" A soft voice asked.

I look at the person and nodded 'yes'.

"May I look?" She said pointing at my schedule with her thumbs.

"Oh, yeah sure..." I said as I gave my schedule to her.

"Follow me" She said as she gave my schedule back and led me to somewhere.

"This is your class." She said when we reached to a door.

"Thank you" I thanked and bowed. She just smiled in reply.

I opened the door to my classroom. The lively sound in the classroom suddenly changed to silence and all eyes were on me.

I glare at them and some of them started whispering.

Tch this is what I hate the most judging  a book by its cover.

I sighed as I sat on the only empty seat which is at the back near the window. I'm lucky that I got this seat, my most favorite seat is the near the window.

Class started and all the boring stuff happens. On all of the entire class, I didn't even payed attention and was busy drawing doodle on my notebook. I draw lots of owl cause' for me, owl is the cutest thing in the world.

Also I heard that there was a boy on this school looked like an owl. That's actually one of the reason I transferred here. I want to meet the owl boy everyone has been talking about.

After that lunch time came, but I didn't eat anything cause' I'm not really that hungry. So for the whole lunch time I was busy drawing owls on my notebook.

After a while, a group of girls suddenly approached me.

"Aren't you going to eat?" One of the girls said.

"I'm not hungry." I replied still busy doodling.

"Huh? You're drawing owls?" The girls asked.

"Don't tell me...you, you like Bokuto!?" One of the girls suddenly shouted.

"Boku who? I don't even know who's that sorry." I said didn't really care.

Soon after that, the bell rang and the most boring stuff in the world started. As usual, I never payed attention in class. It's not like I ever payed attention in class anyways.

I don't know why but I'm curious about this Boku guy. Does he really actually looked like an owl? or is it just false rumors?

As I kept on thinking about that, it's already time to go home. Finally something that I really like. I packed my things and walk home.

When I was walking, nearly at the gate, someone shouted.


I looked at where the voice came from and a ball was nearly going to hit my face. I closed my eyes tightly waiting for the ball to hit my face. But surprisingly, I felt nothing.

"It's okay you're okay now." A voice said.

I opened my eyes and saw a guy who has a feature like an owl. I didn't realize that I was blushing. I stared at his face admiring his owl look alike face.

He noticed me staring and gave me a cheerful smile. I was looking at him in awe still admiring his owl look alike face.

My heart skipped a beat when he smiled at me. It was the first time I've ever saw an owl smiling like that.

"Akaashi!! Did you saw that? I was amazing right?" The guy with a owl look alike face said to his other friend that was standing beside him this whole time.

The guy looked away for a seconds before nodding. The owl look alike guy does some weird dance move. I was holding back my laughter cause' the dance move are just superb.

The other guy saw me holding back my laughter.

"Let's go, you're embarrassing me and the volleyball club." The other guy who's name is Akaashi if I'm not wrong said pulling the owl look alike guy on the ear.

"Oww!! That hurts Akaashi!!"

They went to the gymnasium to practice volleyball. I giggled a bit and walk home.

"Tadaima" I greeted as soon as I got home.

"Any clubs that you have in mind?" My brother asked leaning on the wall looking at me.

"Hmm" I hummed acting as if I was deep in thoughts. I'm actually not interested in joining any club but then the owl look alike guy came into my mind.

"Maybe." I said and went straight to my room.

I took out my phone checked my social media. While checking, the owl look alike guy came into my mind again. Maybe he's that Boku guy right? What was his name again? Bokuto?

I know that this is a stupid thing to do, but I search his name online. Surprisingly, he's one of the top four spiker. His name is Bokuto Kotarou.

"y/n dinner's ready." My brother said n the other side of the room.

I went downstairs to the dining room and ate dinner together with my brother.


This is my first Haikyuu!! fanfiction so I hope you guys liked it!

Pay Attention To Me | Bokuto x Reader ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora