8 - my sudden confession

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I followed Bokuto to somewhere quiet. The atmosphere there made me feel calm. I smiled looking at the sky above.

"Do you like this place?" Bokuto asked looking at me and I looked back at him.

I nodded as a reply as he gave me a calm smile saying: "I like it here too."

The both of us looked at the sky above enjoying the calm atmosphere and the fresh air there.

I looked at Bokuto and Bokuto was still looking at the sky above. I admire his face and smiled to myself like an idiot.

I tried to brush it off but I just can't.

"You're cute." I accidentally said it out loud. Bokuto quickly turned his face towards me asking: "What did you just say?"

I sigh in relief since he didn't heard what I said just now. I shake my head saying: "Nothing."

Bokuto tilts his head to the side confused but then he looked up again looking at the sky above. I watched him again admiring everything about him.

His owl eyes, his messy spiky hair, his smile, everything about him.

"Bokuto." I called him. He turned his face towards me giving out a "Hmm?"

"I like you." I suddenly confessed to him. His eyes went big and I quickly looked away embarrassed for what I've just done.

"Just forget it." I said as I ran away from him. I could hear him shouting my name but I just kept on running.

I reached home, dash to my bedroom putting my face into my pillow.

"Good job me, now he'll start to avoid me since I'm such a weird girl." I mumbled to myself sighing.

I changed my uniform to a more comfortable clothes and went downstairs to see what's for dinner.

TIME SKIP TO NEXT DAY - at school-

While I was walking to my class, I saw Bokuto was on the other side of the corridor walking but Akaashi was not beside him.

I tried to avoid him by looking at the notice board as if I was looking for the latest information.

"Good morning, Y/n l/n." Someone greeted me from behind making me to jump a little bit. I turned around to see who it was and it was, Bokuto.

I look away trying to not make eye contact with him as I replied: "Good morning."

I look at Bokuto and he just smile widely at me. I thought that he would avoid me after what I just said yesterday.

"By the way, where's Akaashi? Isn't he always walking beside you?" I asked curious.

"Well...he have something to do in class and I was bored since he's not there to play with me so I decided to walk around the school." He explained rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ah...well I'll go to class first then, see you later." I said awkwardly to him and walked to class but he stopped me by grabbing my wrist like yesterday which made me blush a bit cause' it reminded me of what happened yesterday.

I looked at him as his face got closer to my ears. "I'll be at that place if you need anything from me on lunch time or you want to spend your lunch time with me." He whispers as he went away.

I blushed and went to my class as I sat on my seat and put my head on the desk smiling to myself like an idiot.

"Are you okay, y/n?" Yuka asked since I'm smiling to myself like an idiot.

I looked at her and said: "I'm totally fine, don't worry." with a big smile plastered on my face.

Yuka just gave me a nervous smile in returned.


"Y/n, you going to eat or not?" Yuka asked me since I'm still sitting there spacing out.

I looked at her and said: "You go on ahead, I'll catch up later."

Yuka nods as she walks to the cafeteria alone. I stood up from my seat and went to that place.

I was looking for him there but he was nowhere to be found. My smile fades away when I was not able to find him. I sat down under the tree instead and ate my bento waiting for him.

Lunch time was about to end but he still didn't showed up as I packed my bento ready to go to class.

I went to class with a disappointed face and sat down on my seat.

"Why the mood change?" Yuka asked when she saw my face. I looked at her saying: "Nothing."

Yuka made a worried face as the teacher went into the class and that boring stuff starts again.

"I'll be at that place if you need anything from me on lunch time or you want to spend your lunch time with me."

That's what he said but like.....

He wasn't even there.


When I was walking to the school gym, I saw Bokuto. When he saw me, he ran towards me waving 'hi' at me.

I waved back at him with a faint smile. Bokuto suddenly stopped on his track rubbing his chin which made me tilt my head to the side a bit out of confusion.

He seems like he had an idea as he went closer to me and put both of his index finger one on the end of my lips and one on the other end. He then pushed my lips making me smiling.

"There you go! Smile more, for me please?" Bokuto pleaded with his puppy eyes. I sighed as I said: "Fine."

He looks at me waiting for me to smile and I sighed before giving him a smile. He replied my smile with his usual wide smile.

"Where were you on lunch time?" I asked him since he didn't showed up at that place.

"Oh I was having lunch with Akaashi, Why?" He asked as if he doesn't remember what he told me that morning.

"You said that you'll be there." I said as I tighten my fist.

"Oh? Did I?" Bokuto asked scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, I know, you'll not remember it anyways since I'm not that important." I said and ran away from him.

I decided to skip practice today since I'm not in the mode to practice volleyball right now so, I went to that place and sat under the tree.

I leaned my head on the tree and closed my eyes to calm myself down.

"Hey, I'm sorry for not showing up." Someone said probably Bokuto. I opened my eyes and look where the source is and it was Bokuto.

There were silence but then Bokuto continued: "So please go to practice."

I sighed and said: "Fine." Standing up and I walked to the gym.

"I'm not important to him..." I thought as I do the usual practice for volleyball.

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